Name: Robia Brett Cassandra La Morte | Robia Scott
Character: Jenny Calendar
Date of Birth: 07 July 1970
Place of Birth: Queens, New York, USA
Web Presence: Official Website | Twitter |Facebook | Instagram | You Tube | IMDB | Wikipedia
Season One: I Robot, You Jane| Prophecy Girl
Season Two: When She Was Bad | Some Assembly required | School Hard | The Dark Age | Ted | Surprise | Innocence | Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered | Passion | Becoming Part 2 (as Drusilla)
Season Three: Amends (as The First)
Robia was born in New York and raised in the Florida Keys. When she was twelve her family moved to Los Angeles. After watching the movie Flashdance, she was inspired to pursue a career as a dancer and began jazz, ballet and tap classes. She went on to attend the Los Angeles County High School for The Arts as a dance major, and continued her education at the Dupree Dance Academy in Hollywood.
A sixteen Robia got her first job in Debbie Gibson’s Shake Your Love video and had appeared in many more music video’s by the time Prince approached her to play the role of Pearl for his album and tour Diamonds and Pearls.
Robia retired from the world of dance at 22 and took up acting instead, doing TV commercials before landing a role in Beverley Hills 90210. After this she appeared in several movies and TV series , including two appearances (as different charatcers) on Silk Stalkings before landing the pivotal role of Jenny Calendar on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
After her character died during Season Two, Robia continued to work, including two further appearances in Buffy, a recurring role on Rescue 77 and a guest appearances on CSI: Crime Scene Investigation as we;; as appearing in several independent films.
In 2006 Robia announced her retirement from acting to focus on her faith and has written a book, Counterfeit Comforts and now holds seminars where she talks about her faith.