Patton Oswalt (Dollhouse, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) has written the first in a set of eight one-shot comics in the Dark Horse’s Black Hammer universe, Black Hammer Visions.
Black Hammer focuses on five superheroes who have been stuck working on a farm in the “real world” after crossover event from their universe to ours. Each of the eight Black Hammer Visions one-shots will focus on a different character, Patton’s will focus on Golden Gail, a superhero who “used to have a magic word that could transform her from normal human to immortal superhero” but who has been stuck “in the form of an immortal young girl’s body with all the tastes and bitterness of an old woman.”
In a statement Patton said, “Getting to explore just one of the endless byways of the massive world of Black Hammer was a nerd-romp of the highest order. I can’t wait for you guys to read this!”
Source: EW