Titan Books will be releasing a series of Firefly tie-in books in collaboration with Twentieth Century Fox Consumer Products and Joss Whedon, who act as consulting editor. The books will be within the official canon and will “explore a different avenue of the original series universe and history”.
Speaking of the series, commissioning editor Cat Camacho said, “I am delighted to be bringing new, official stories to fans of a show that has continued to grow in popularity over the years, finding new audiences in an uprecidented way. Firefly is a hugely unique IP and Titan Books is excited to be becoming part of it’s legacy.”
Details of the first three books below:
Firefly: Big Damn Hero by Nancy Holder – due for release October 2018.
Captain Malcolm Reynolds finds himself in a dangerous situation after being kidnapped by a bunch of embittered veteran Browncoats.
Firefly: The Magnificent Nine, by James Lovegrove due for release March 2019
Jayne receives a distress call from his ex Temperance McCloud that leads the Serenity crew to danger on a desert moon.
Firefly: Generations, by Tim Lebbon due for release October 2019
The discovery of the location of one of the legendary Ark ships that brought humans from Earth to the ‘Verse promises staggering salvage potential, but at what cost? River Tam thinks she might know…
Source: EW