Sci Fi Fidelity Podcast: Agents of SHIELD Showrunners Talk Season 6
Our genre television podcast hosts talk to Maurissa Tancharoen, Jed Whedon and Jeff Bell about Agents of SHIELD season 6

When we spoke to Agents of SHIELD executive producers Maurissa Tancharoen, Jed Whedon, and Jeff Bell about season 6, the premiere had not yet arrived, so there was a limited amount of information they could share. But now that we’re a few episodes in, it’s kind of interesting to listen to what they had to say on Sci Fi Fidelity in a new context, especially now it’s clear there are no MCU tie-ins to Avengers: Infinity War or Avengers: Endgame
As Bell mentioned in the interview (as previously published), “We were told we were going to be out in the summer, but then sometimes things get moved up, and if we had tried to tie into the time issues that come up with Endgame and then we suddenly got moved up, it would be a huge spoiler – couldn’t do that. It just complicated everything, so… it just made more sense for us to take our story before all that happened.”
Some aspects of Agents of SHIELD season 6 are still developing even now that three episodes have aired, such as Mack’s directorship. Whedon told us, “I think he at some level will be afraid he cannot live up to the legacy of Philip Coulson. So he’s going to struggle with some of those leadership conflicts, both internally with himself wondering if he is making the right decisions and with his relationships. It’s hard to be close to the agents you’re giving orders to, so I think he’ll have to work through some of that this year.”
Agents of SHIELD season 6 may only be 13 episodes this year, but that doesn’t seem to bother the executive producers. “When we had twenty-two, we always though that was too much story information for people to remember at one time, so we’ve always broken that down into smaller pods,” said bell. “And so coming with thirteen allowed us to sort of create that way, and this thirteen can be its own piece. Of course there’s always a connection to the next season, but we didn’t have to do a lot of subsets within this because of its convenient pocket size.”
After the brief interview, we dive in with a brief discussion of the season so far including what we know about Clark Gregg’s new character Sarge and his team, about what Fitz is up to in deep space, and how the group dynamics have changed on Earth with a new mysterious threat rearing its ugly head. Join us both for the interview and the analysis of Agents of SHIELD season 6 by subscribing to Sci Fi Fidelity wherever you get your podcasts, or simply listen below.
SFF57: Agents of SHIELD Interview
Original article at Den of Geek
This article has been reproduced for archive purposes.