Name: David Patrick Boreanaz
Character: Liam/Angelus/Angel
Date of Birth: 16 May 1969
Place of Birth: Buffalo, New York, USA
Web Presence: Twitter | Instagram | IMDB | Wikipedia
Season One: Welcome to the Hellmouth | The Harvest | Teacher’s Pet | Never Kill a Boy on the First Date | Angel | Out of Mind, Out of Sight | Prophecy Girl
Season Two: Series Regular
Season Three: Series Regular
Season Four: The Freshman | Pangs | The Yoko Factor
Season Five: Fool for Love | Forever
Season Seven: End of Days | Chosen
ANGEL – Series Regular
Born in Buffalo, New York on 16th May 1969 to parents David and Patti, David has two older sisters, Beth and Bo. His parents moved to Philadelphia which is where David was raised.
David was inspired to act at an early age by a performance of ‘The King And I’ starring Yul Bremner.
David attended Rosemont School of the Holy Child until the age of 14 when he moved to Malvern Prep. School, from here he went on to Ithica College where he majored in Film Studies at the Roy H. Park School of Communications. He graduated in 1991 with a BS degree in Cinema and Photography.
After graduating from college David headed for Hollywood where he parked cars and handed out towels in gym for a living whilst trying to get an acting break. That break famously came while he was walking his dog, Bertha Blue, through Hollywood and was spotted by manager Tom who decided he was either going to date David or make him a star.
After finding a manager the jobs came in slowly until he was chosen as the mysterious Angel in new show Buffy The Vampire Slayer, both fans and producers of the show fell in love with him and he became a series regular for seasons two and three until he was given his own show, Angel. Angel had a successful run on the WB and kept a loyal fanbase for five years before finally being cancelled, but not before David got a chance to go behind the camera and direct the fifth season episode, Soul Purpose
Since the end of his series, David has kept busy having appearing in many, mainly independent films, he went on to star in Fox’s hit crime drama, Bones which ran for 12 seasons. This series gave David more behind the scenes opportunities as director of several episodes, including the show’s 100th episode, and also to become co-producer (2007) and finally Executive Producer from 2009 until the show ended in 2017.
Although wishing to take a break from TV, David has found himself the star of yet another hit TV series, this time for CBS in military drama SEAL Team, for which he also acts as Executive Producer.
David is the only actor to have appeared in the first and last episodes of both Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Angel.
Along with his wife and their friends, Melissa and Aaron Ravo, David launched a nail polish line, Chrome Girls in 2013.