Charlie Weber: Killer Looks, Killer Style
STILL GETTING AWAY. After more than two years and two more seasons of “How To Get Away With Muder,” Charlie Weber returns for round two in the magazine.

Charlie Weber’s life story has all the elements of a movie script: A young man drops out of college and moves to the big city – New York in Weber’s case – before he’s even 20 years old; he starts with a bit of modeling and eventually makes it big in showbiz. Of course, there’s a lot of very real work involved in this story, along with passion. It’s the combination of work ethic and a love for teh art that brought Weber into shows like “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” all three of the main “CSI” series, and eventually, “How to Get Away with Murder.”
With the latest season – the fourth – of “How to Get Away with Murder” wrapped up, we chat again with the American actor and rediscover his brand of humility and enthusiasm for the world of acting.

DAMAN: Hi, Charlie! Awesome to have you with us again. How is 2018 shaping up for you?
CHARLIE WEBER: Pretty well! Started off pretty great – finishing season four – and now I’m trying to relax and get out of town a little bit and hang out with my daughter.
DA: A couple of years ago, when we first interviewed you, the season two of “How to Get Away with Murder” was just about to end. Today, as you said, season four has wrapped up. How do you feel about the show reaching this new milestone?
CW: It’s been incredible. I feel like barely any time has passed. The last season has gone by so quickly just because we’ve all become so in tune with our characters and the story. It feels so good.
DA: How about your character? How would you describe Frank Delfino’s growth as the show progressed into season four?
CW: I mean, it’s been an endless journey of peeling back layers to a very complicated man. Every time he tries to become something, something else unravels and he has to become something else.
DA: Now as good as the early seasons were, season four got even better reviews (it now has a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.) What happened?
CW: I honestly don’t know… I think we have a lot of talented people all working towards a common goal and doing their best work and luckily people are responding to it.
DA: Is there anything you can share with us about the future of “How to Get Away with Murder”?
CW: There’s nothing to share. It’s all a mystery to me as well. We’ll see what the future holds.
“I love to travel; I love to read and I love hanging out with my daughter, my friends, and loved ones. I try to let it be as time consuming as possible.”

DA: In your opinion, what would be the idea overall length of this show? How many more seasons do you think should “How to Get Away with Murder” run?
CW: It’s such a crazy show. I think we just have no choice but to take it season by season. As long as the stories are interesting and intriguing to watch, I honestly don’t know who long it can go.
DA: There was also the crossover between “How to Get Away with Murder” and “Scandal” last January. How exciting was that?
CW: It was an exciting event, but my storyline kept me on the sidelines of that. It was a cool event but I can’t really speak towards what it was to be a part of it because my story kept me away from that group.
DA: Spin-offs are also quite popular these days. What do you think a standalone story about Frank Delfino would be like?
CW: I think it would be pretty intriguing. I think you’d be forced to let him off his chain completely and see what would happen. You know, I think it would kind of have a sense of humor to it and it would be able to surprise me.
DA: Back when it started, even the name of the show was considered provocative. Today, we have dozens of series that delve into the more unsavory aspects of human nature. What do you think about this trend?
CW: I think it’s good! I think it makes for some interesting television. I think people seek out these raw, human situations that go beyond the normalcy of existence. I think it’s a pretty cool trend and I like the stuff I’m seeing.

DA: Beyond “How to Get Away with Murder,” do you have anything else lined up for the rest of 2018>
CW: Uh, no, not really! I’m just sitting down, looking at some scripts and seeing what comes my way!
DA: Usually, when you’re considering a potential show to join, what do you look for?
CW: For me, it’s just about character. I certainly hope it’s a good story and other intriguing things about it, but I think about what is this character capable of and where could it possibly go and can grow and change. I’m sort of fascinated by this – the beginnings of a character and where I can take it.
DA: Two years ago you mentioned that you simply want “to keep evolving as an actor and to always keep it about the work.” That being said, do you have any dreams – of the more fanciful kind, perhaps – that you want to chase?
CW: No. As far as what I said about acting, I want that to continue to be the case and to aspire to do good work all the time. I would love to get out of town more and just lay low. Now, as far as acting goes, I am just going to keep going down this path and see where it takes me.
“Be proactive. Always by out there, always be striving to do something. Get in front of a camera, get on a stage and go find it. Don’t wait for it to come to you.”

DA: On a related not, how does an actor with your experience define success in your field of work?
CW: I think there are a lot of ways you could define it. I’m always in awe of the fact that I get to make my livelihood from something that I love so much, so for me, that’s a huge success. To get up in the morning and go act and to be able to pay the bills by doing that is a really, really extraordinary thing that I’m very lucky to be able to do.
DA: Regarding the whole “doing what you love as a living” angle, how do you keep acting from turning from passion into simply work?
CW: I don’t know if you can do that completely. I try to be as passionate as I can all the time, but some days it is work and that’s okay. But I think you just don’t give up. You don’t give up on your character, you don’t give up on the story and that will help you stay passionate as opposed to turning it into work.
DA: Social media now plays a big role in showbiz, for everything from spreading trailers and managing fan outreach. How seriously do you take your online presence?
CW: I don’t really. I try my best and put a picture up on Instagram from time to time if I’m at a fun or interesting place. But that’s about the extent of it for me.

DA: By the way, what else are you passionate about outside of acting? What usually keeps you busy when you’re not filming?
CW: I love to travel; I love to read and I love hanging out with my daughter, my friends, and loved ones. I try to let it be as time consuming as possible.
DA: And when you simply want to get away from it all for a little while, what do you usually do?
CW: I just get out of town. Whether it’s a couple miles up the coast or to the other side of the world, I just like to get out of town for a few days here and there.

DA: Last question, and going back a bit to “doing what you love for a living” – now, obviously, a lot of people dream about doing this. To those budding actors out there looking to be just as successful as you, what would be your number one piece of advice?
CW: I don’t think I should be giving out any acting advice but something that as far as becoming an actor or wanting to be an actor. Still, a good piece of advice I once received was to be proactive. Always be out there, always be striving to do something: Get in front of a camera, get on a stage and go find it. Don’t wait for it to come to you.

Photography Mitchell NyuyeN McCormack
Styling Courtney Leday
Grooming Robert Bryan at State Artist Management using Oribe hair poduct and tatcha skincare.
Original article at DAMAN