ComicBook Interview: Elizabeth Henstridge Talks a FitzSimmons Reunion Special

Agents of SHIELD: Elizabeth Henstridge Reveals What Would Get FitzSimmons Out of Retirement in a Reunion Special

Yesterday, Agents of SHIELD star Elizabeth Henstridge and her fiancé, Zachary Burr Abel (Make It or Break It, The Secret Circle), hosted the pre-show for Smile Train‘s World Smile Day event. had the chance to chat with the couple, who explained the importance of the charity, how they got involved, and how easy it is to help out. We also asked Henstridge about Agents of SHIELD and what it would take to get FitzSimmons out of retirement in the event of a reunion special. As always, she gave a delightful answer.

“I think Simmons is ready,” Henstridge shared. “I think Simmons is just semi-retired right now. So for her, it probably wouldn’t take very much. I think that, and honestly, if we had some Twiglets in bowls… You know what Twiglets are? They’re a chip that Iain’s obsessed with, like a snack, it’s like a savory crisp snack. If there was something where someone had gone back in time and all Twiglets were vanished and didn’t exist, that would get both Ian De Caestecker and Leopold Fitz on any mission going.”

The answer won’t surprise any fans who tuned in to yesterday’s Smile Train event as De Caestecker showed up and named Twiglets as the thing that makes him smile. You can check out a clip in a fan’s tweet below:

Back in August, Henstridge talked about FitzSimmons’ long-awaited happy ending.

“I mean, we’ve been ripped apart so many times and so many tragedies have happened and I think, you kind of talk about earning moments of happiness for them.” Henstridge explained. “And I think they definitely earned that happy ending and it’s also nice that they’re kind of… they still have that conflict between them of Simmons wanted to… it’s like sneakily staying in the game a little bit and he’s completely checked out for a while. It’s nice that they’ve got the happily ever after, but they still have that classic bicker bickering and you know, they’re not perfect.”

Sat tuned for more from our interview, which features Henstridge revealing her dream guest for her weekly Agents of SHIELD watch-along! In the meantime, you can learn more about Smile Train here or donate here.

The first six seasons of Agents of SHIELD are currently streaming on Netflix.

Original article at

This article has be reproduced for archive purposes.

Author: Cider

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