[fountain] Episode # 1AGE01 **_FIREFLY_** “The Train Job” Written by Joss Whedon & Tim Minear Directed By Joss Whedon _SHOOTING DRAFT_ July 8, 2002 [/fountain] [fountain] **_FIREFLY_** “The Train Job” _CAST_ CAPTAIN MALE REYNOLDS…………..Nathan Fillion ZOE…………………………..Gina Torres JAYNE COBB…………………….Adam Baldwin WASH………………………….Alan Tudyk KAYLEE FRY…………………….Jewel Staite INARA SERRA……………………Morena Baccarin SIMON TAM……………………..Sean Maher RIVER TAM……………………..Summer Glau BOOK………………………….Ron Glass LUND…………………………..Tom Towles CROW…………………………..Andrew Bryniarski NISKA………………………….Michael Fairman SHERIFF BOURNE………………….Greg Henry [/fountain] [fountain] **_FIREFLY_** “The Train Job” _SET LIST_ _INTERIORS_ Bar Serenity Airlock Cargo Bay Foredeck Hall Bridge Infirmary Passenger Dorm Upper Aft Hall Engine Room Inara’s Shuttle Dining Room Catwalk Laboratory Niska’s Skyplex Hall Niska’s Office Train Car Another Car The Next Car Police Staion _EXTERIORS_ Bar Space Desert Paradiso Train Station Just Outside Town [/fountain]TEASER
[fountain] **_FIREFLY_** “The Train Job” TEASER 1 INT. BAR – DAY 1 It’s a small, disreputable place, doing a brisk but low-key business. Most of the people here are probably up to something they don’t want other people to know about. The dark wood and clutter suggest a Western space, but it is definitely multi-cultural: a bellydancer makes her way about the room, and everyone’s mode of dress is diverse – though none is too fancy. We follow BELLY DANCE’s undulating belly through the space, coming to a table with three people sitting at it, ZOE, and JAYNE are more or less facing us, MAL has his back mostly turned. The three are concentrating on a game we can’t see. Those who look carefully will spot the bellydancer’s hand as it slips mal a peice of paper, which he slips in turn into his pocket. JAYNE (to Mal) Your move. Camera ARMS UP to see the game on the table is Chinese chequers. Mal moves. ZOE That’s a bold move MAL I live on the edge. Zoe makes a much better move. JAYNE (to Mal) Nice work, dumbass. MAL I’ve given some though to moving off the edge, it’s not an idea location… might get a place in the middle… VOICEOVER (O.S) A toast! The VOICE is surly, loud. Trouble is waiting to happen. As it speaks, Mal turns back towards Camera and we see him in closeup. Calm, assessing the danger. CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 2. 1 CONTUINED: 1 ANGLE: The guy who spoke, LUND. A drunken dick, holding court at the bar. LUND A toast. Shuty p! Quiet, I’m I got words. I’m say, this is an asspishus day. We all know what day it is… ANGLE: The gang. Mal is stone-faced, Zoe the same. They clearly know where this is going. Jayne has no clue. JAYNE Suspicious? What day is it? LUND A glorious day for _all_ the proud member of the Allied planets. Unification Day! The end of the Independent scumbags and the dawn of a new galaxy! Yeah-huh! He downs a shot. Mal is grabbing his empty glass, rising. ZOE Captain… MAL Just feeling the need for a drink. JAYNE (not paying attention) What _month_ is it? Mal moves to the bar, far from Lund. MAL (in Chinese) Can I have one more glass of Ng-Ka-Pei, please? Lund, naturally, sidles up to him. LUND You gonna drink to the Alliance with me? Mal looks at him, looks away. CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 4. 1 CONTUINED: – 3 1 Lund spins and Zoe SWAPS him with the butt of her sawn-off. He goes down. Mal and Zoe smile grimly at each other as she holsters the weapon. MAL (cont’d) Drunks are so cute. Suddenly seven GUYS stand up, seeing what happened to Lund. They are _not_ wearing colors like Mal and Zoe’s. MAL (CONT’D) (in Chinese) Oh this is a happy development… Zoe turns, sees the coming fight… ZOE Jayne… ANGLE: Jayne: Sits, unconcerned. JAYNE Hey, I didn’t fight in no war. Best of luck though… MAL Fine. Let’s do this. 2 EXT. BAR – CONTINUING (AFTERNOON) 2 Mal goes flying through the front window — only it’s not glass, rather an ionized filed that CRACKLES and REFORMS after he passes through. He rolls in the dirt, stops. Looking up, he hears the sound of fighting within — we might notice at this point that the sky contains THREE MOONS, one so close it looks like another planet on the horizon. Mal shakes off the punch, pulls out a transmitter. MAL (into transmitter) Wash, we got some local color happening… a grand entrance would not go amiss… Zoe comes flying out the door, takes two others with her, given them hell. CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 6. 2 CONTUINED: -2 2 Lund and the others back off, grumbling but now cowed. ANGLE: Behind our heroes. The airlock door opens and our gang step onto it from the cliff face. 3 INT. AIRLOCK/CARGO BAY – CONTUNUING 3 The doors shut behind them. Mal and Zoe head upstairs as Jayne wanders off, saying: JAYNE Damn yokels can’t even tell a transport ship ain’t got no guns on it. (chuckling) “Blow a new crater in this moon…” 4 INT. FOREDECK HALL/BRIDGE – MOMENTS LATER 4 Mal and Zoe are entering the bridge as Kaylee is coming up the hall behind them, grease on her face and some unidentifiable ship part in her hand. She’s thrilled by the drama. MAL (to Wash) Nice save. WASH Pleasure. MAL How are our passengers? KAYLEE They’re fine. What happened? Was there a terrible brawl? ZOE (eyeing Mal) Oddly enough, there was. WASH You getting my wife into trouble? MAL What? I didn’t start it. Just wanted a quiet drink. CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 7. 4 CONTUINED: 4 ZOE Funny, Sir, how you always find yourself in some Alliance-friendly bar come U-day, looking for a “quiet drink.! MAL See, this is a sign of your tragic space dementia. All paranoid and crotchety, it breaks the heart. WASH Well did we at least make a contact? Mal smiles, produced the piece of paper handed him by the bellydancer. MAL Ladies and menfolk, we got ourselves a job. He hands the paper to Zoe. MAL (cont’d) Take us out of the world, Wash. (looking ahead) Got us some crime to be done. 5 EXT. SERENITY – CONTINUING 5 as it blasts past camera, heading out of the atmosphere. _END OF TEASER_ [/fountain]ACT ONE
[fountain] 6 INT. LABORATORY 6 Flashes of bright lights, of people in masks approaching camera with weird-looking instruments — classic operation nightmare. ANGLE: RIVER Strapped to a chair, with electrodes on her, needles attached to wires stuck into her head, ears, nose, blood trickling from each wound, terror in her eyes as a man’s voice speaks slowly: VOICEOVER (O.S.) I’m not going to speak. I’m not going to SAY a word… She opens her mouth to scream and — 7 INT. INFIRMARY 7 — wakes up on the operating table, freaking, scrambling off as SIMON approaches her tenderly. SIMON River. River. It’s okay. It’s me. She says nothing. SIMON (cont’d) You know who I… RIVER (duh) Simon. SIMON Were you dreaming. Did you dream about the Academy? RIVER (scattered, muttering) It’s not relevant. SIMON If you can talk about what happened there… I know it’s hard but the more I know, the faster you’ll get better. I promise. She gets up, looks around. CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 9. 7 CONTINUED: 7 RIVER This isn’t home. SIMON No. no, we can’t go home. If we go home they’ll just send you back to the Academy. This is safer now. (cheerfully) We’re on a ship. RIVER Midbulk transport, standard radion-accelerator core, classcode 03-K64, “Firefly”. Mal enters at that moment, saying: MAL Well, that’s something. I can’t even remember all that. SIMON I’m always amazed at what she knows. River, this is Captain Reynold. MAL (to River) Mal. She curtsies with exaggerated elegance. A beat, as Mal doesn’t know what to do. Then he curtsies back, somewhat awkwardly. SIMON (slightly amused) You bow. MAL What? SIMON From the waist. (he demonstrates) The lady curtsies, the gentleman bows. MAL Well, I’m not overly gentle. He makes his way to the sink, starts rinsing his bloody knuckles. CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 10. 7 CONTINUED: -2 7 SIMON Need a weave on that? MAL It’s nothing. SIMON I expect someone’s face feels differently. MAL (smiles in reverie) They tell you never hit a man with a closed fist, but it is on occasion hilarious. SIMON I suppose so. The fight didn’t draw any… any attention? MAL No feds. Just an honest brawl between folk. Ain’t none of us want the Alliance on us, Doctor. That’s why you’re here. SIMON I thought I was here becuase you needed a medic. MAL Well not today. He exits, River watching him. After he goes: RIVER Mal. (turns to Simon) Bad. (looks after Mal) In the Latin. 8 INT. PASSENGER DORM – CONTINUING 8 Mal is about to head upstairs when Book comes down the hall. MAL Shepherd Book. BOOK Captain. How’s the girl? CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 11. 8 CONTINUED: 8 They look back at the pair in the infirmary. MAL Still kinda whimsical in the brainpan. Seems calm enough, though. River hurls a metal container on the ground with a great crash, starts crying as Simon tries to sooth her. BOOK That young man’s very brave. MAL (whatever)# Yeah, he’s my hero… BOOK Give up everything to free his sister from that… place… go from being a doctor on the central planets to hiding on the fringes of the system. There’s not many would do that. MAL Suppose not. Mal starts up the stairs, but: BOOK There’s not many would take him in, either. He’s going somewhere with this. Mal turns back. BOOK (cont’d) Why did you? MAL Same reason I took you on board, Shepherd. I need the fare. He starts upstairs, the Shepherd following him. BOOK There’s neither of us can pay a tenth of what your crew makes on one of your “jobs”. [/fountain] [fountain] 12. 9 INT. UPPER AFT-HALL/ENGINE ROOM – CONTINUING 9 MAL Are you referring to our perfectly legitimate business enterprises? BOOK I’m wondering why a man who’s so anxious to fly under the radar would house known fugitives. The Alliance had her in that institution for a purpose, whatever it was, and they will want her back. You’re not overly fond of the boy, so why risk it? Mal turns, with all mock seriousness. MAL Because it’s the right thing to do. He looks in at the engine room – which is an unholy mess of wires and patchwork and tools lying about. MAL Will you look at this? Kaylee. BOOK I begin to wonder if you yourself know why you’re doing it. MAL What about you? How come you’re flying about with us brigands? Shouldn’t you be off bringing religiosity to the Fuzzie-Wuzzies or some such? BOOK Oh, I got heathens aplenty right here. MAL (smiling) If I’m your mission, Shepherd, best give it up. You’re welcome on my boat. God ain’t. He turns to go, grumbling to himself: MAL (cont’d) Where the hell is that girl… [/fountain] [fountain] 13. 10 INT. INARA’S SHUTTLE – CONTINUING 10 we see Kaylee in close up, eyes closed, dreamy smile on her (still grease-stained) face. Soft, classical music is playing. Widen to see that she is sitting on the floor of Inara’s sumptuous chamber, and that Inara herself is on the couch behind, brushing Kaylee’s hair. INARA Do you want me to put it up? KAYLEE Mmmmmm… that’s okay… INARA You have lovely hair. (knowingly) I’m sure the doctor would agree. KAYLEE Simon? No, he’s much too… I’m just… do you think it looks better up? INARA We can experiment… We might even get wild later and wash your face. Kaylee smiles, shutting her eyes again. KAYLEE Do you ever do this for your clients. INARA Very occasionally. Not all of my clients have enough hair to get a brush through. KAYLEE I shouldn’t much like a bald lover… some bald men have awfully furry backs. INARA Yes, hair often doesn’t disappear so much as migrate south. KAYLEE Have you ever had to serviced a really hideous client? With boils and the like? CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 14. 10 CONTINUED: 10 INARA A companion chooses her own clients; that’s guild law. But physical appearance doesn’t matter so terribly. You look for a compatibility of spirit… there’s an energy about a person that’s difficult to hide, you try to feel that… MAL (entering) Then you try to feel the energy of their credit account. It has a sort of aura… INARA What did I say to you abut barging into my shuttle? MAL That it was manly and impulsive? INARA Yes, precisely, only the exact phrase I uses was “don’t”. MAL Well you’re holding my mechanic in thrall and Kaylee what the hell is going on in the engine room? Were there monkeys, some terrifying space monkeys that maybe got loose? KAYLEE No monkeys, mister funny — I had to rewire the grax-thrust because somebody won’t replace that crappy compression coil. MAL Well get the place squared away. It’s dangerous in there and I ain’t paying you to get your hair played at. Kaylee rises, grumbly and exits. KAYLEE (In Chinese) Horrible old tryant… CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 15. 10 CONTINUED: -2 10 MAL We work before we play. (to Inara) You’re servicing crew now? INARA In your lonely, pathetic dreams. MAL How would you know what I dream about? INARA It never occurred to me that you did. What do you want? MAL We got a job. INARA Congratulations. This job wouldn’t be on a decently civilized planet where I could screen some respectable clients, perhaps? MAL Respectable clients? Seems a contradiction — INARA Don’t start. MAL We don’t have the location yet. We’re docking on the skyplex in a bit, it’s run by a fellow called Niska. INARA Never heard of him. MAL Well I have and while we’re there you’ll stay confined to the ship. INARA Is the petty criminal perchance ashamed to be riding with a Companion? CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 16. 10 CONTINUED: -3 10 MAL Niska has a very unlovely rep. If he’s got work for me, fine, but I don’t – I’m not sure you’d be safe. INARA Mal, if you’re being a gentleman I may die of shock. Mal bows, slightly and leaves. Pops his head back in. MAL Have you got time to do my hair? INARA Out. He goes. 11 EXT. SPACE – LATER 11 We see Serenity docking on a large space station, Niska’s SKYPLEX. It has sicks for at least eight ships, and though somewhat dingy, it is bustling. 12 INT. BRIDGE – CONTINUOUS 12 As Wash settles her down. 13 INT. HALL/NISKA’S OFFICE – LATER 13 Mal, Zoe and Jayne are walked through the hall by two armed goons. The three are quiet and watchful. One of the goons knocks on a door and it is opened. Standing behind it is CROW. He is as mean and large a tattooed motherfucker as ever stood behind a door. He stares grimly at the crew a moment, then: NISKA (O.S.) It’s fine, Crow, they can come in. The accent is Heavily European, and the man (NISKA), when revealed by Crow stepping aside, is a slight, old bespectacled fellow — looks more like Gepetto than the Godfather. He comes from around a desk, looks our gang up and down as they enter. NISKA Malcolm Reynolds is which? CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 17. 13 CONTINUED: 13 MAL I’m Captain Reynolds, My first mate, Zoe, and this is Jayne. NISKA Very nice. I’m Adelai Niska, you’ve seen Crow, he loves to stand by the door and say “Boo!”, but he is, as you say it… my Good Right Hand. MAL We got word you might have a job for us. NISKA Yes, yes, an exciting job — a train! Has something I need. You’ve worked a train before? MAL We’ve hit a few. NISKA Are you going to ask me what it is I need? MAL As a rule, no. NISKA Yes, good, you have a reputation. You do the job, no complications, that’s what. Malcolm Reynolds gets it done, is the talk. MAL Well I’m glad to hear that. NISKA Do you know what a reputation is? It’s people talking, gossip, it’s not… to hold, touch it, you can’t. Not from gossip. Now I also have reputation, not so pleasant, I think you know. Crow. Crow opens a door to another room. ANGLE: in the room. CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 18. 13 CONTINUED: -2 13 Is a an hung from the ceiling, clearly dead from being hideously tortured. Crow steps in, brandishing a curved blade that is his trademark weapon. Our gang sees this, takes it in. None of them pleased, but all of them silent. Crow starts cutting down the body as Niska shuts the door, shaking his head sadly before he turns to the group. NISKA (cont’d) Now, for you, my reputation is not from gossip. You see this man, he does not do the job. I show you what I do with him and now, my reputation for you is fact, is… solid. You do the train job for me, then you are solid. No more gossip. That is strong relationship. MAL Right… NISKA You do not like I kill this man. MAL Well, I’m sure he was a… very bad person. NISKA My wife’s nephew. At dinner I am getting an earful, there is no way out of that. so. The train job. He moves to his desk, hits a piece of clear paper, the train schematic appears. NISKA (cont’d) Here in the fifth car, two boxes, Alliance goods. You don’t mind taking from Alliance, I think. From your reputation. He smiles at Mal, who doesn’t really have it in him to smile back. CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 19. 13 CONTINUED: -3 13 NISKA (cont’d) You get on the train at Hancock, heading to Paradiso, I give you cover story in case of questions, but you are not bothered, I think. You get the boxes off before you reach Paradiso and you deliver to Crow… here. He touches the paper again and a map appears, with a point marked a few miles from the train line. where the city, PARADISO, is also clearly marked! NISKA (cont’d) Half the money now, Crow gives you the other half at rendezvous point. Anything goes wrong… then your reputation is only gossip, and things between us are not so solid. Yes? Off Mal’s look… 14 EXT. DESERT – DAY 14 We see the quiet countryside — and the train WHIPS through frame. It has an old, wrought-iron and brass feel to it, but it HOVERS above a lit track, a series of slim metal dorsal fins arching out from the undercarriage, just above the ground. 15 INT. TRAIN – CONTINUOUS 15 Mal and Zoe, dressed in civvies that look not terribly unlike their usual clothes, sit in the crowded car. MAL How long til we hit paradiso? ZOE Another twenty minutes. We should be at the foothills in five. MAL Best get to work. They rise, start toward the back. ZOE He’s a psycho, you know. Niska. CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 20. 15 CONTINUED: 15 MAL He’s not the first psycho to hire us, nor the last. Do you think that’s a commentary on us? ZOE I just got an image in my head of a guy hanging from a ceiling. MAL And I got an image of it not being me. Let’s do the thing. They reach the end of the car, are moving into the next one: MAL (cont’d) It’s a simple job. And we’re simple folk, so it shouldn’t be a problem. He is finishing that sentence as they enter the next car. ANGLE: THE CAR is entire filled with a regiment of Alliance soldier/cops – called FEDS -, all facing this way. All armed. ANGLE: MAL AND ZOE stop and stare. MAL (cont’d) Hi. _END OF ACT ONE_ [/fountain]ACT TWO
[fountain] 16 INT. DINING ROOM – DAY 16 Inara enters to find Book sitting at the dining table, reading his bible distractedly. He rises, nods to her. INARA Shepherd. BOOK Good day. He sits again. She fusses about getting food. A beat. BOOK (cont’d) So, how do you think it’s going? INARA (slightly amused) The “caper”? (less amused) Mal knows what he’s doing. BOOK How long have you know him? INARA I’ve been on the ship eight months now. I’m, not certain that I’ll ever actually know the Captain. BOOK (laughs a bit) I’m surprised a respectable companion would sail with this crew. INARA It’s not always this sort of work. They take the jobs they can get. Even legitimate ones. But the further you get from the central planets, the harder things are. So this is part of it. BOOK I wish I could help. I mean, I don’t want to help, not help, help not with the thieving, but I do feel awfully useless. INARA You could always pray they make it back safely. CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 22. 16 CONTINUED: 16 BOOK I don;t think the Captain would much like me praying for him. INARA Don’t tell him. She turns a bit, says, mostly to herself: INARA (cont’d) I never do. 17 INT. TRAINCAR -CONTINUING 17 Mal and Zoe are still standing in front of the feds. There is a beat, and then the door at the other end opens, an immigrant-looking family coming through towards Mal and Zoe. They take the opportunity to move as well, heading back and passing the family. A couple of feds eyeball them, but there is no comment made. 18 INT. THE NEXT TRAINCAR – CONTINUING 18 This one is filled with poor, immigrant families. Mal and Zoe take a moment, make sure they’re out of earshot. ZOE Sir, is there some information we might maybe be lacking? As to why there’s an entire fedsquad sitting on the train? MAL It doesn’t concern us. ZOE It kind of concerns me… MAL I mean, they’re not protecting the goods. If they were, they wouldn’t be letting people past ’em. ZOE You don’t think it changes the situation a bit? MAL I surely do. Makes it more fun. CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 23. 18 CONTINUED: 18 ZOE Sir, I think you have a problem with your brain being missing MAL Come on. We stick to the plan, we get the goods and we’re back on Serenity before the train even reaches Paradiso only now we do it under the noses of twenty trained Alliance feds and that makes them look all manner of stupid. Hell, this job I would pull for free. He starts off, she follows. ZOE Then can I have your share? MAL No. ZOE If you die can I have your share? MAL Yes. 19 EXT. DESERT – DAY   19 We are moving with the train — and we suddenly move laterally, over low hills, to find Serenity flying low at the same pace, some three hundred yards away. 20 BRIDGE – CONTINUING   20 Wash is piloting. Jayne is with him. WASH We start flying with the hatch open, keeping her steady is gonna be a job of work, so you strap in. JAYNE You get me killed, I’m a come back as a ghost and punch your liver out. WASH Well, there goes Plan A… CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 24. 20 CONTINUED: 20 JAYNE I’m not messing around. You’d best run straight or you’ll get a boxing. WASH You sound like my father. Which is weird because you look more like my mother. JAYNE One of these days — A beeping. Wash looks at his monitors. WASH We’re close. Get down there. JAYNE (as he goes) Hell, I ever call you out, you’d probably just hide behind the Mrs. WAHS (working the panels) **Go** 21 INT. CARGO BAY – CONTINUING 21 Kaylee opens the bay doors. She drags over some cable and winches, starts attaching them to the walls. Simon appears, tentative. SIMON Hey. KAYLEE Oh hey Doctor. SIMON You really should just call me Simon. KAYLEE I’ll do that then. He a little bit causes the shyness in her. CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 25. 21 CONTINUED: 21 SIMON So what are we doing? KAYLEE Oh! Crime. SIMON Crime, good. Okay. Crime. KAYLEE It’s a train heist. We fly over the train-car, The captain and Zoe sneak in, we lower Jayne onto the car, they bundle up the booty and we haul ’em all back up. Easy as lyin’ SIMON You’ve done this before? KAYLEE (laughing) Oh Hell no! (serious) But I think it’s gonna work. The captain’s (in Chinese) an absolute genius (In English) when it comes to plans. SIMON Is there anything I can.. something I should be doing? JAYNE (entering) Staring the hell out of everyone’s way. We can see he’s added some layers, including a hat tied around chin and a scarf to pull over his face. Gonna be windy. KAYLEE No call to be snappy, Jayne. JAYNE (to Kaylee) Are you abut to jump onto a moving train? She backs off. He turns back to Simon. CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 26. 21 CONTINUED: -2 21 JAYNE (cont’d) Captain’s not around, I’m in charge. KAYLEE Since when? JAYNE (ignoring her) Just ’cause Mal says you’re a medic don’t make you part of the crew. You just play at figuring what’s wrong with that moon-brained sister of yours till we call for you, (in Chinese) understand? ANGLE: UP ON THE CATWALK is River herself, sitting and watching the exchange. It’s impossible to tell if she even understands what she’s hearing. Simon stares at Jayne a beat, weighing the advantages of arguing. SIMON Right. He turns and goes. Kaylee starts strapping Jayne in. KAYLEE You shouldn’t be so rude to him. JAYNE Whym ’cause he’s all rich and fanciable? KAYLEE He’s not rich. Alliance crashed his accounts when he snuck out his sister. JAYNE Yeah, well, we could all be rich, we handed her back. KAYLEE You’re not even thinking that! JAYNE Mal is. KAYLEE That’s not funny. CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 27. 21 CONTINUED: -3 21 JAYNE He ain’t stupid. Why would he take on trouble like those two if there weren’t no profit in it? Captain’s got a move he ain’t made yet. You’ll see. He tests his straps and such. They’re good. JAYNE (cont’d) Time for some thrilling heroics. 22 INT. TRAINCAR – CONTINUING 22 Mal and Zoe are at the door marked: STORAGE. NO PASSENGERS. Mal pulls out a keyboard. MAL Niska’s sources better be good. A beat, and he inserts the card. 23 INT. TRAINCAR WITH FEDS – CONTINUING 23 One of the feds gets up, stretching, and heads back to here Mal and Zoe are. 24 INT. TRAINCAR – CONTINUING 24 the panel lights on the corners of the door turn from orange to purple. We hear locks withdrawing and the door swings open. ZOE Shiny. She pulls a gas canister out of Mal’s bag, prepares to hurl it as Mal readies himself and whips the door open. ANGLE: INSIDE THE CAR There are no guards. Just a room full of various crates and baggage. They enter, pulling the door shut behind them – but leaving it slightly ajar, as Zoe fiddles with the canister and some wire at the bottom of the doorway. Mal moves to the center of the car, pulling what looks like a wicked powerful screw gun from his bag. MAL Find the cargo. CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 28. 24 CONTINUED: 24 He steps up on some boxes. The ceiling is separated into three corrugated iron panels, all about eight feet by four. Mal puts the gun to one of the rivets in the center panel, triggers it, and we hear a ripping/sucking sound. He pulls the gun down, rivet stuck in it. Removes it and starts on the next. ANGLE: ZOE is going through boxes. Rips a tarp off some and sees two big metal crates with the AngloSino flag printed on top. They are the burnished purple of the soldiers uniforms. ZOE All hail the great Alliance. 25 EXT. DESERT – CONTINUING 25 We are with the train as serenity appears right above it, keeping pace with it. 26 INT. AIRLOCK/CARGO BAY – CONTINUING 26 The doors are closing behind Jayne and Kaylee as the front hatch is opening, letting in daylight and a shitload of wind. When they hatch is open all the way, Jayne gets down and crawls to the edge of it, looks over. He has three different cables attached to him. ANGLE: OVER JAYNE We see the train some twenty feet below. Everything is moving very fast. 27 INT. BRIDGE – CONTINUING 27 Wash pilots, hands tight on the wheel, ship bucking slightly. 28 INT. AIRLOCK – CONTINUING 28 Jayne gives the thumbs up to Kaylee (who is also bundled up and tied on). She hits a lever on a winch and it starts letting out cable as Jayne _jumps_ — 29 EXT. DESERT – CONTINUING 29 — from the ramp to the car twenty feet below, cables trailing out above him. He hits hard but holds on, keeping his head sown. Waits. [/fountain] [fountain] 29. 30 INT. TRAIN CAR -CONTINUING 30 Mal pops the last rivet and he and Zoe lower the panel down as gently as they can. It makes a bit of a clatter as they lower it to one side — 31 INT. TRAIN – CONTINUING 31 The fed who moved back hears the noise, starts in that direction, curious… 32 INT. TRAINCAR – CONTINUNOUS 32 Jayne flips on through the big hole in the roof as Zoe and Mal drag the crates in a net to right under the hole. They start pulling cable off Jayne and securing it onto the corners of the net. Jayne hops on top (still with his own line on) and calls into a walkie: JAYNE Fifteen seconds! ANGLE: KAYLEE Ready to reverse the winch. ANGLE: wash Piloting. Tense as hell. ANGLE: THE FED sees the door ajar, pulls his rifle off his shoulder, approaches the door. Zoe hops on the crate with Jayne, about to buckle onto his line as Mal is finishing his end of the net — ANGLE: THE GAS CANISTER Is popped when the wire is pulled. It shoots gas up into the Fed’s face before he can see anything. He shoots blind (the sound is a series of muffled pops), Mal moving towards him as Zoe dives off the crate for cover as boxes splinter by her head from stray bullets. One hits Jayne’s leg as he sags but holds on. ZOE (to Jayne) Go! JAYNE (into walkie) Go! Go now! CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 30. 32 CONTINUED: 32 Kaylee hits the winch — And Jayne goes up with the netted crates, out of the traincar as Mal gets to the blinded soldier, fights him in the smoke. Mal is precise and brutal, and though it’s messy, the guy is unconscious in moments. MAL (to Zoe) Come on. They head out of the traincar, towards the front — 33 EXT. DESERT – CONTINUING 33 As Serenity moves away from the train, Jayne and the crates still being pulled up. 34 INT. TRAIN – CONTINUOUS 34 Mal and Zoe reach the car — full with poorer passengers — between them and the car full of soldiers. They roll out a couple of gas canisters. Gas billows up just as feds are entering from the other side. Mal and Zoe blend in with the other civilians, choking and keeping low, as the soldiers pass them. 35 INT. CARGO BAY – CONTINUING 35 Jayne climbs up, the crates pulled up by the winch. As soon as the door is shut, Kaylee unhooks herself and moves to him, finally able to speak without the rushing wind. KAYLEE Where are the others? JAYNE Shot my gorram leg! KAYLEE Jayne! Are they on the train? Are they gonna be okay? 36 EXT. PARADISO TRAIN STATION – DAY 36 The train has stopped. Many passengers have climbed off, still red eyed and coughing from smoke. Mal and Zoe are among them. Behind them, although paying them no particular mind, is Sheriff BOURNE, talking to a fed. FED Our man didn’t get a look. CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 31. 36 CONTINUED: 36 BOURNE Well, Jesus, can someone at least find out what they took? (calls out to a deputy) Pendy, keep these people together! And quiet ’em down! Mal is listening, but his attention is also drawn to: ANGLE: A group of families, mostly women and children. Clearly very sick, clearly waiting for something on that train. Someone comes to talk to them and several of the women start crying, clutching their children to them. A deputy comes up to the Sheriff, and Zoe and Mal hear very clearly. DEPUTY It was the medicine, sir. All the supplies. BOURNE They stole the gorram medicine? We been waiting — all of it? DEPUTY Every ounce. BOURNE God help us. Zoe looks at Mal. Mal looks stone-faced. ANGLE ON: The crying woman. The sickly children. MAL Son of a bitch… _END OF ACT TWO_ [/fountain]ACT THREE
[fountain] 37 INT. SPACE – ALLIANCE CRUISER 37 A giant Alliance Cruiser moves slowly through space. 38 INT. ALLIANCE CRUISER – CONTINUOUS 38 Big. Clean. Corporate. No bantery chit-chat to be had. The crew is dressed in the same formal Alliance attire we saw the soldiers wearing on the train’s car. An OFFICER looks over an ENSIGN’S shoulder to a viewing screen. OFFICER What’s the fuss? ENSIGN All network alert. Cargo theft. Medical shipment lifted off a train in the Georgia system, en route to Paradiso. OFFICER (eyeing screen) Two crates of Pasceline D. Right. Get you a tidy fortune on the black market. ENSIGN Paradiso’s a mining community, sir. Most there are afflicted with Bowden’s Disease. The miners pass it on to their children. OFFICER (almost to himself) And yet they insist on breeding… (then) Tag it received and bounce it back. Locals can deal with it. ENSIGN Sir, there is a regiment holding in Paradiso. They were on the train, headed to the installation. OFFICER Then get ’em back on that train and get it moving. Who’s holding them there? CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 33. 38 CONTINUED: 38 ENSIGN Sir, the Sheriff requested we deploy a few to help him inves — OFFICER Those are Federal Marhsalls, not local narcotic hounds. They have better things to do. And so do we. The Ensign nods as the Officer moves Off. 39 EXT. DESERT – NIGHT – SERENNITY 39 is parked in a canyon, away from prying eyes and spying probes. 40 INT. SEREINITY – INFIRMARY – CONTINUING 40 Simon is patching up the wounded Jayne who’s on an operating table. Kaylee is nearby, trying to keep him steady while Simon works. We may or may not notice River quietly siting in the b.g. On Wash’s entrance, Jayne pulls away from Simon starts to rise. SIMON (re: wound) I’m not finished. JAYNE (ignoring Simon, rises) Why you got us parked here? This ain’t the rendezvous spot. WASH It is now. JAYNE Niska’s people’re waitin’. They’re not partial to waitin’. WASH Let ’em read a magazine. We don’t make the sale until Mal and Zoe are back on this boat. JAYNE These are stone killers, little man. They ain’t cuddly like me. WASH I’m not flying anywhere without my wife. CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 34. 40 CONTINUED: 40 KAYLEE She’ll be okay. She’s with the Captain. JAYNE See there? Everybody wins. Gahh! (to Simon) Dammit. Doc, I need a pop to quiet this pain some. Simon goes for the medicine, loads it onto the hypo as he talks. SIMON What about the authorities? We’re sitting here with stolen Alliance goods. (no one denies it) Won’t they be looking for us? WASH They buzz this canyon, we’ll hear ’em before they ever see us. I figure we’re good for a… RIVER Won’t stop. They’ll never stop. That was unnerving. Everyone just looks at her. RIVER (cont’d) They’ll just keep coming until they get back what you took. She laughs softly to herself, her eyes betraying fear. RIVER (cont’d) Two by two, hands of blue… two by two, hands of blue… JAYNE (to River) How’s about you keep your crazy mouth shut? Is that a fun game? (to the others) Now I’m in rutting charge here and I’m telling you how it works. Simon injects him with painkiller as he contiues. CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 35. 40 CONTINUED: -2 41 JAYNE (cont’d) Niska doesn’t get the goods on time he will make meatpies of the lot of us. I ain’t walking into that. BOOK This Adelai Niska you’re talking about? JAYNE Now how would a Shepherd know a name like that? BOOK As I’ve heard it, he made a deal with the Captain. If the Captain’s not there to finish it — if Niska finds out he’s being held an may speak as to who hired him… I think we’re better off being a little late. A beat, as Jayne takes this in. JAYNE Fine. We wait. For a spell. Then we make our appointment. That’s good enough for Wash, for now. 41 INT. POLICE STATION – NIGHT 41 Mal and Zoe sit stiffly next to each other. MAL This is a nightmare. ZOE Nothing points to us yet, Sir. MAL That ain’t what I’m talking about. WIDER – we see they’re currently sitting alone. About then the place is a hive of activity. Hill-Street-Blues-meets-Rio-Bravo-by-way-of-Blade-Runner. The understaffed constabulary is working tis way through questioning the train passengers. And more of the sick women and children are near Mal and Zoe, a constant reminder of their crime. CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 36. 41 CONTINUED: 41 The SHERIFF, no-nonsense, tired, finishes questioning A COUPLE that we might recognize from the train. He thanks them perfunctorily, They take their luggage, exit. MAL (cont’d) Whatever happens, remember I love you. ZOE (shocked) Sir? MAL (you idiot) Because you’re my wife. ZOE Right, Sir. Honey. The Sheriff confers with a Deputy, who checks a list, points to Mal and Zoe. Sheriff crosses to them. Has the train manifest. BOURNE Car 3, row 12. Mister and Missus… Raymond. Mal is suddenly the protective young husband. MAL Can you tell us what’s going on? We’ve been here for so long. Did someone on the train get killed? BOURNE No, no. Nothing like that. I see here your fares were purchased by a third party… MAL Mu uncle. A wedding gift. BOURNE (it’s unheard of) Wedding gift… You spending your honeymoon in Paradiso? ZOE Actually, we’re here looking for work. BOURNE That right? CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 37. 41 CONTINUED: -2 41 MAL My Uncle said he knew a Joey Bloggs out here. Said he might have an opening. Thought we’d try our luck. BOURNE You a miner by trade, either of you? MAL Not really. BOURNE Haven’t seen many folk choose this life weren’t born to it. ZOE Well, work’s real scarce for a couple starting out. MAL How come there’s so many sick here? BOURNE Bowden’s Malady. You know what that is? ZOE Affliction of the bone and muscle. Degenerative. BOURNE Very. Every planet that’s been terraformed for human life ahs its own little quirks. Turns out the air down underground, mixed up with the ore processors, it’s a perfect recipe for Bowden’s. Everybody gets it: miners, dumpers – hell, I got it and I ain’t ever set foot in a mine. It’s worst on the kids, of course. ZOE But it’s treatable. BOURNE There’s medicine, Pasceline — works on the symptoms. Person could live like a person, they get (more) [/fountain] [fountain] 38. 41 CONTINUED: – 3 41 BOURNE (cont’d) it regular. But our shipment got stole right off that train you was ridin’ in. Which is why you won’t be seeing a parade in town today. MAL (feigned shock) Stolen? Didn’t we see an entire regiment of fine young Alliance Federals on the train? BOURNE You did. The same regiment that let the medicine get swiped from under their noses and then took off for their camp without so much as a whoopsie daisy. MAL That sounds like the Alliance. Unite the planets under one rule. _Everyone_ can be interfered with or ignored. Equally. BOURNE Alliance ain’t much use to us on the border planets. But they ain’t the ones stole that medicine. I find those people, they’ll never see the inside of a jail. I’ll just toss ’em in the mine, let them breathe deep for the rest of their lives. MAL Can’t argue with that. BOURNE Mind telling me when it was you last spoke to Joey Bloggs. Mal tenses, senses the trap. MAL Never did myself. BOURNE Right. Your uncle. And it was indicated to you that Joey had an opening. CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 39. 41 CONTINUED: – 4 41 MAL Any job would do… BOURNE Funny your Uncle never went to mentioning the Bowden’s problem. Or that Joey Bloggs ate his own gun ’bout eight months back. MAL Did he. BOURNE Yep. Blew the back of his head right off. MAL (a long beat) So… would his job be open? The Sheriff gives a wan smile. The game’s afoot and they both know it, neither one about to be so rude as to say so openly. BOURNE Say, I don’t suppose you folks would mind if we took a retinal scan? We’re doin’ it with all the folks we don’t know by sight. Just to make sure they are who they say. 42 INT. SERENITY – BRUDGE – NIGHT 42 Jayne comes barging into the bridge. Wash is there, with Kaylee. Wash stands up, knowing this will be unpleasant. Simon follows Jayne. JAYNE That’s it. We waited long enough. Get this bird in the air. WASH No ruttin way. SIMON (to Jayne) You really should sit down… KAYLEE We can’t just leave the Captain and Zoe here. CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 40. 42 CONTINUED: 42 JAYNE They ain’t coming! We can’t walk in there and get ’em so they’re done. Jayne shoves Wash back toward the controls. JAYNE (cont’d) Now fire it up. Wash flares. He’ll get trounced, but he’s ready to fight. Inara and Book appear in the doorway. INARA What’s going on? JAYNE (without looking at her) Strap in. We’re takin’ off. WASH We’re not. JAYNE Captain’d do the same if it were one of us — KAYLEE Not in a million years — JAYNE Shut it! His intensity shuts them down. Wash is quiet but firm: WASH Listen to me — JAYNE Do you know what the chain of command is? It’s the chain I go get and beat you with until you understand who’s in rutting command here. Wash is truly scared, but not backing down. JAYNE (cont’d) Now we’re finishing this deal and them maybe – MAYBE we’ll come back for those… morons… got (more) [/fountain] [fountain] 41. 42 CONTINUED: – 2 42 JAYNE (cont’d) themselves caught and you can’t change that just by getting ‘ all bendy… WASH All what? JAYNE (drifting) You got the light, from the console to keep you, to lift you up… they shine like little angels. He topples forward, hits the floor hard, chin leading. Out like a two-ton light. Everyone just blinks. Except for Simon. WASH Did he just go crazy and fall asleep? SIMON I told him to sit down… KAYLEE You doped him! SIMON It was supposed to kick in a good deal sooner. I just didn’t feel comfortable with him in charge. I hope that’s all right. The look on everyone’s face tells him it is. BOOK So how do we get the others? WASH Jayne was right about them not making contact. Chances are they got pinched getting off that train. KAYLEE And we can’t just waltz in and pull ’em out. BOOK Someone respectable enough might be able to. CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 42. 42 CONTINUED: – 3 42 WASH A shepherd can’t just demand they hand over — BOOK I know. I wasn’t talking about me. 43 INT. POLICE STATION – NIGHT 43 Mal and Zoe still cooling their heels. The Sheriff in the near distance conferring. Eyeballing them. There’s a buzz of activity. A Deputy moves to the Sheriff. ZOE You figure Serenioy’s still waitin’ for us? MAL If they are, everyone’s fired. ZOE And if they’re not. MAL Everyone’s fired. ZOE So how you wanna play this? There s some activity. A Deputy moves to the sheriff with some news. He reacts with surprise. Mal and Zoe are curious. Commotion as someone pushes through the deputies — INARA- appears, the bearing of a monarch. Mal reacts to the sight. So does Zoe. Inara strides magnificently over to Mal. He opens his mouth to speak — MAL What the h– SMACK – she slaps him hard across the face. INARA Don’t you dare speak to me. A deputy has gven the Sheriff Inara’s official papers. He peruses them as he crosses to her. INARA (cont’d) Sheriff, I want this man bound by law at once. That’s assuming he hasn’t been already… CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 43. 43 CONTINUED: 43 BOURNE No one’s been bound. Not yet INARA Well thank god you stopped them. (to Mal) Did you honestly think you could access my accounts and I wouldn’t find you. (sadly, to Zoe) And Zoe… what would your husband say if he knew you were here? ZOE I was weak. BOURNE (not surprised) So I take it they ain’t newlyweds? INARA Hardly. Malcolm’s my indentured man. With three years left on his debt. I imagine we’ll have to add another six months after this little adventure. The deputies stare in awe and whisper amongst themselves, as they have been since her entrance Inara glances to them. Gathers herself with tremendous dignity. BOURNE You’ll have to pardon them. Don’t think a one of ’em’s ever seen a Registered Companion before. Fancy lady such as yourself don’t pass through here everyday. INARA I apologise for my manner. BOURNE Not a bit. INARA (to Mal and Zoe) Though I’ve half a mind to leave you both here. If your debt weren’t so large, I would. (more) [/fountain] [fountain] 44. 43 CONTINUED: – 2 43 INARA (cont’d) (to Bourne) Should I contact my ship? Will you need to hold them very much longer? BOURNE Looks to me like we’re done. We’re having some unrelated trouble. And his story had kind of an odor to it… INARA Yes. It’s not the only thing about him that does. Mal refuses to show that it burns him how much fun she’s having. INARA Thank you very much, Sheriff. (to Mal and Zoe) Come along. Mal and Zoe rise, follow her out. The Sheriff watches them go. Something not sitting just right with him. BOURNE (to the deputy) That’s a hell of a lady. Her files were all in order? DEPUTY Ran ’em twice. BOURNE (lets out a breath) Let’s get started with the rest, then. 44 INT. CARGO BAY – LATER 44 Mal, Zoe and Inara all step off the shuttle. Kaylee and Wash are there to greet them. Zoe and Wash hug, make with the smootchies. KAYLEE How’d it go? CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 45. 44 CONTINUED: 44 MAL She hit me. They all reach now to see Jayne sprawled out.propped against the stairs/catwalk. He’s sort of in and out of consciousness. A floppy puppy. They have to step over him. Mal does a take. KAYLEE (approaching) We tried to get him to the infirmary. He’s just heavy. Mal doesn’t even ask. WASH Kept the engine running. We’re good to go. MAL We’re not going. WASH Not what? Not why? MAL We’re bringing the cargo back. Astonished looks from all save Zoe. Jayne moans in his full-body-novacaine stupor. JAYNE (slurred) What? Whaddya mean _back_? I waited for you. ZOE Let’s get this on the Mule. WASH What’re you talking about? What about Niska? Won’t that put him more or less in a killing mood? Mal hits a button and the cargo bay ramp starts to lower. MAL There’s others need this more. INARA My shuttle is faster — CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 46. 44 CONTINUED: -2 44 MAL You risked enough flying in there once. And I don’t wanna get slapped around no more. (to Wash) Far as Niska goes, we’ll just have to explain the job went south on us when we return the money. Jayne groans. WASH You wanna explain, now’s your chance… He’s seeing something that Mal doesn’t. Mal turns, following Wash’s gaze to see — ANGLE – CARGO BAY RAMP At the bottom of the ramp, just outside the ship are CROW and THREE MEN. Every man large, every man pissed. _END OF ACT THREE_ [/fountain]ACT FOUR
[fountain] 45 INT. CARGO BAY/AIRLOCK – CONTINUOUS 45 Mal looks down on Crow and his men. They start to walk up the ramp. Mal takes a step forward. CROW You didn’t make the rendezvous. MAL Ran into a few complications. CROW You were thinking of taking Mister Niska’s money and his property maybe. MAL Interestingly — neither. Crow furrows his brow. CROW I don’t understand… MAL Yeah. Look. Here’s what it is: deal’s off. Still with the brow furrowing from Crow. MAL (cont’d) We changed our minds. CROW You entered into an arrangement with Mister Niska. There is no mind-changing. MAL ‘fraid that’s where you’re wrong. We just, we can’t take this job. So you just relax, and we’ll get you the money Niska paid us up front, you return it to him and call it even. CROW And there is no “even.” MAL Is that right? During all this… CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 48. 45 CONTINUED: 45 MAL’S HAND Has been drifting toward his gun, as — CROW whip quick, releases his curved knife — buries it in Mal’s right shoulder. Mal rears back, big pain. And all hell, as they say, breaks loose — Zoe is pulling her weapon, as… Crow’s men storm the cargo bay, guns out, firing… MAL Suddenly Crow is there, pulling out the knife, then slamming his fist into the wound. Mal fights back. ZOE Zoe has her gun out, takes out one of the guys right off, then lunges at Kaylee, pulling her down behind some cover as she avoids getting hit by the return fire. She looks over to make sure Wash is okay. He is, nods to her from behind some crates, as… CROW AND MAL Crow is distracted suddenly, as… A ROAR The MULE comes bouncing up over the top of the ramp, sending the other thugs scattering. Wash is driving it. Mal presses his advantage. Gets in a few good licks. But Crow comes back strong. Sweeps up his fallen knife, is about to bury it in Mal’s skull, when — A SHOT RINGS OUT Crow goes down, screaming pain, a big hole in the back of his leg. Mal looks up, astonished to see — JAYNE Still propped in the same spot, but with his gun out, sort of lazily aimed in that general direction. He still looks like a stroke victim, desperately trying to keep his eyes open. CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 49. 45 CONTINUED: – 2 45 MAL Nice shot. JAYNE (slurred) I was aimin’ for his head. Everyone can walk, and that’s everyone save Jayne, runs up to Mal. MAL Wash, Kaylee — take care of these guys. Have the doctor look at Crow, here. But not until after you’ve got him good and tied up. WASH Right. Mal and Zoe move to the Mule, climb on. As they roar out into the night… 46 EXT. JUST OUTSIDE TOWN – NIGHT 46 Mal and Zoe are on the mule, Zoe driving, Mal on top of the crates, with a better view. The town becomes visible in the distance and he taps her shoulder. She cuts the engines and they get off, start untying the crates. MAL We’re gonna have to drag ’em from here. We can leave ’em just off the street, notify the Sheriff once we’re in deep space. BOURNE Why don’t you tell him in person? They draw — but six men with rifles appear from the brush. Mal and Zoe slowly holster their guns. BOURNE (cont’d) We got word of a ship not far out, came looking. Didn’t expect to find you coming back. MAL Didn’t expect to be coming. The deputy from act two comes over as they speak, opens the crates. CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 50. 46 CONTINUED: 46 DEPUTY Nothin’ missing. Mal and the Sheriff stare at each other. Clearly an understanding, as he addresses the pair of them: BOURNE You were truthful back in town. These are tough times. Hard to find yourself work. A man can get a job, he might not look too close at what that job is. (to Mal) But a man learns all the details of a situation like ours, well then he has a choice. MAL I don’t believe he does. There is a moment, then. The Sheriff slightly smiles. BOURNE (to his men) Let’s get these crates back to town. Make ourselves useful. Two men each take a crate and haul them off. The Sheriff walks off with with the rest of them, not saying another word. After a boat, Zoe climbs back onto the mule and starts to turn it around. 47 EXT. SERENITY – NIGHT 47 Crow goes down in a heap onto his knees. He is on the ramp, the huge jet engine behind him just starting to whir into life, wind kicking up as the ship prepares to take off. Mal stands before him, holding a wad of bills. MAL Now this is all the money Niska gave us in advance. You give it back to him, tell him the job didn’t work out. We’re not thieves – well, we are thieves, but — the point is, we’re not taking what’s his. We’ll stay out of his way as best we can from here on in. You’ll explain that’s best for everyone, okay? CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 51. 47 CONTINUED: 47 Crow rises. He towers over Mal, hatred on his face. CROW Keep the money. Use it to buy a funeral. It doesn’t matter where you go, how far you fly — I will hunt you down and the last thing you see will be my blade. MAL (sighs) Darn. He kicks Crow back — and the huge fellow is instantly SUCKED into the engine of the ship. It’s very sudden, but the resultant crunching noise goes on for a bit. A beat, and Zoe shoves one of Crow’s henchmen in front of Mal. MAL (cont’d) Now, this is all the money Niska — HENCHMAN Oh I get it, I’m good. Best for everyone, I’m right there with you. Mal smiles, puts the money in the man’s breast pocket and pats it. 48 EXT. SPACE – NIGHT 48 As the ship leaves the planet behind. 49 INT. INFIRMARY/PASSENGER DORM/RIVER’S ROOM – NIGHT 49 Mal is being stitched up by Simon. SIMON You should have let me do this sooner. MAL I’ve had plenty worse. This is just a OWWW! SIMON Sorry. CONTINUED [/fountain] [fountain] 52. 49 CONTINUED: 49 MAL Just be careful. (a beat) That was pretty fast thinking, dopin’ up Jayne. Can’t say you’ve made a lifetime friend… SIMON I’ll deal with him. MAL I’m not too worried about you. How’s your sister? We begin drifting away from them as they speak, heading toward River’s room as Simon’s voice becomes a voiceover… SIMON The same. One moment she seems perfectly cogent, the next… she speaks nonsense. Like a child. It’s so difficult to diagnose; I still don’t know what the government was trying to do with her. So I have no idea if they succeeded. and we land on River, sitting up in bed and worrying the sheet with her hands, repeating to herself: RIVER Two by two, hands of blue, two by two, hands of blue… over and over. 50 INT. ALLIANCE CRUISER – CONTINUING 50 The officer we saw before steps into a starkly lit room. OFFICER I’m sorry to keep you waiting. There’s always one crisis or– MAN We’re not interested. OTHER MAN We’re here about a theft. OFFICER The medicine? On that planet… (more) [/fountain] [fountain] 53. 50 CONTINUED: 50 OFFICER (cont’d) word came up that was returned. MAN We didn’t fly eight-six million miles to track down a box of band-aids, Colonel. The officer is increasingly uneasy. We finally REVERSE ANGLE to see TWO MEN sitting at the table. They reek of government. Whatever the CIA is in the future, it’s these guys. They are blank as slate. OTHER MAN We’re looking for a girl. This girl. As he says it the first man slides a folder forward, with a picture atop it. The picture is of River. The hand sliding it forward has, incongruously, a skin-tight latex glove on it. Blue. Tilt back up to the men to see they are both wearing blue gloves. They stare, impassively BLACKOUT. _END OF SHOW_ [/fountain]This script has been reproduced for archive purposes. All tights remain with 20th Century Fox Film Corporation