
The Nevers Characters | Maladie played by Amy Manson GALLERY | AMY MANSON | THE NEVERS | THE TOUCHED Committed by her husband (and genuinely…

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Declan Orrun / The Beggar King

The Nevers Characters | Declan Orrun/The Beggar King played by Nick Frost GALLERY | NICK FROST | THE NEVERS | Charismatic and brutal, Declan runs…

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Doctor Horatio Cousins

The Nevers Characters | Doctor Horatio Cousins Played By Zachary Momoh GALLERY | ZACHARY MOMOH | THE NEVERS Doctor Horatio Cousins is one of the…

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Annie Carbey

The Nevers Characters | Annie Carbey played by Rochelle Neil GALLERY | ROCHELLE NEIL | THE NEVERS | THE TOUCHED Annie Carbey, aka Bonfire, a…

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Dr Edmund Hague

The Nevers Characters | Dr Edmund Hague played by Denis O’Hare GALLERY | DENIS O’HARE | THE NEVERS Dr Edmund Hague is a gifted American…

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Mary Brighton

The Nevers Characters | Mary Brighton played by Eleanor Tomlinson GALLERY | ELEANOR TOMLINSON | THE NEVERS Gentle but surprisingly resilient, Mary pursued her dream…

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UPROXX Review: The Nevers

HBO’s The Nevers arrives as a tough show to review for a few reasons: (1) The show lands with many of the (frankly appealing) pluses that one would expect from the showrunner of Firefly, Dollhouse, and the Buffy series; and (2) The series finds itself saddled with the baggage of the guy who created those same beloved series. Sadly, there’s no way to separate those two statements because Joss Whedon’s particular quirks, his sensibilities, and his favorite tropes run throughout the first four episodes screened for critics.

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New York Times Review: The Nevers

An allegorical alt-superhero series about gifted women in Victorian London makes it to the screen, but without its currently embattled creator.

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c|net Review: The Nevers

The historical fantasy series streams on HBO Max from April 11, It begins with a wordless opening scene in which people wander about in old-timey frocks for several minutes, but hang in there: The fun soon starts as out Victorian-era heroines seek out a child who may be cursed by the devil. That leads to an acrobatic fight scene packed with luminescent hand grenades and weaponized parasols, setting the tone for an adventure full of kick-ass women taking on sinister baddies.

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New York Times Interview: Laura Donnelly Talks The Nevers, Harry Potter and Poetry.

Amalia, gifted with foresight, has a shadowy past, a legendary right hook and a habit of ditching her walking dresses mid-brawl, because a long skirt can really spoil a roundhouse kick. “You throw yourself at danger like you think it’s going to propose,” a colleague tells her/

Donnelly lives more quietly, though she did quit drinking early in the pandemic, which must qualify as an unusual ability. Production on “The Nevers” won’t resume for a few months, so she is currently locked down in London – in the home that she and Butterworth share with their two daughters, 3 and 4 – mothering, batch cooking, trying to get a decent night’s sleep with the help of some meditation apps.

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