Heroic Hollywood Interview: Emma Caulfield on Going from Buffy to Marvel.

“Buffy was so long ago, I don’t know. That was a tiny, little show on a small network that ended up having this huge life. It started to build when it was on, but there was no huge support system or fanfare or built-in audience with it,” the actress told Heroic Hollywood. “So it’s not even in the same ballpark as entering in the Marvel Universe. It’s a whole other world.”

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Looper Interview: Emma Caulfield on WandaVision.

“She [said], ‘You’ve got this icy prettiness, and you’re really funny, and then if someone’s awful to you or awful to someone you love, you’re so mean […] just want that icy mean.’ I [said] ‘Thank you? Thank you, Jac,'” Caulfield recalls for Looper with a smile.

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Monkeys Fighting Robots Review: Buffy #21

In the Buffyverse, the Watcher Council often seemed an enemy greater than demons and vampires. Because they were so feared, Buffy was the only one to stand up to them. Therefore, it’s refreshing to see Anya as a former Watcher, defying members of the Council to their faces.

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Awards Chatter Podcast Talks to Ben Affleck About His Career and Struggles with Alcoholism

Ben Affleck recently chatted with The Hollywood Reporter’s Awards Chatter Podcast where he reflected on the highs and lows of his career and his struggle…

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Emma Caulfield Joins WandaVision

Emma Caulfield has confirmed via her Twitter that she is part of WandaVision which will premiere on Disney+ on Friday (15/01/2021). Nothing is yet known…

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CBR Review: Buffy #21

The Slayer Cycle has been a constant in all versions of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. One young woman is granted the power of the Slayer until she dies — at which point it passes on to the next one. But the new Slayerverse just revealed there are ways around that, and that a quietly vital Slayer used one such loophole.

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Hilary Swank Stars in Thriller, Fatale.

Hilary Swank stars alongside Michael Ealy (Flash Forward, Almost Human) in Fatale, a thriller from Lionsgate. The story follows a a married man (Ealy) who…

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Anthony Stewart Head Stars in Let The Wrong One In

Anthony Stewart Head has been cast in Let the Wrong One In, a co-production from Tailored Films and Workshed Films which recently completed filming in…

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Variety Interview: Leonard Roberts Speaks Out About His Treatment on ‘Heroes’

“Daddy, why are there wood boards over all the store windows?” my eight-year-old daughter Evan asked as our family walked our dog along Venice Boulevard. Two-and-a-half months into the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, the streets were quiet, as a curfew was in place. Stores all over Los Angeles were being boarded up after looting had followed a peaceful Black Lives Matter protest in nearby Santa Monica the day before.

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Slate Magazine Discuss How Hush Speaks to Censorship

“Hush” fully embraces the monster-as-metaphor template, with the Gentlemen as representations of government officials who restrict speech. Under a censorship regime, messages, especially those perceived as being contrary to the state’s ends, are banned by removing the political voices of both citizens and media. Like the Gentlemen, those who censor often do so to conceal truths. As Yale historian Timothy Snyder writers, “Since the truth sets you free, people who oppress you resist the truth.” Modeling some heads of state both past and present, the Gentlemen don’t care what norms have been established; they’re all about getting their way.

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