As part of SYFY 25 – where we’re looking back at everything amazing that’s happened in the world of sci-fi, fantasy, and horror over the last 25 years – we asked a bunch of famous people what sort of geeky stuff they like.
Here’s what Alan Tudyk had to say!
The one thing I geek out over the most is:
Comedy. If something makes me laugh really hard it sticks in my head or my heart or somewhere inside me. Probably not my pancreas — some other more soulful innard.
The first thing I remember geeking out over:
Mel Brooks’ History of the World Part 1. I could recite it backwards and forwards at 12, It wasn’t funny backwards but the forwards was hysterical.
The science fiction/fantasy creator I most respect is:
Stan Lee. Joss Whedon comes in a close second. I think he’d be okay with coming second to Stan. Whedon changed my life.
My geeky guilty pleasure is:
Neil Diamond music.
The current state of science fiction in three words:
Respect. Forefront. Montana.
The biggest genre game-changer of the last 25 years was:
Firefly. Obviously
The best quite from anyone in the genre, real or fictional, is:
“Absolutely eat dessert first. The thing you want to do the most, do that.” Joss Whedon
The best genre movie of the last 25 years is:
I love District 9.
The best genre series of the last 25 years is:
Firefly. Obviously
The best genre book of the last 25 years is:
The Harry Potter series. Pick one.
The best comic book or graphic novel of the last 25 years is:
The best video game of the last 25 years is:
The best genre theme song or soundtrack of the last 25 years is:
Guardians of the Galaxy.
A movie that desperately needs a remake is:
Serenity. I have a change I’d like to make.
On the flipside, a movie that should never ever be remade is:
Serenity. It’s perfect.
Original article at SYFYWIRE