Comic Book Review: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ No. 1
Writer Jordie Bellaire and artist Dan Mora
Welcome back to the Hellmouth, everyone!
Actually, we’re here for the first time. We’re going back to the beginning of the pop culture phenomenon that is Buffy the Vampire Slayer for issue No. 1 at its new home with publisher Boom! Studios. This time, thought, we’re dropping the Scooby Gang into 2019 for a more modern remix of familiar elements making them fresh and exciting.
Despite being such a beloved franchise, writer Jordie Bellaire makes it as engaging as the first issue of an original property. It would have been easy to just adapt what we’ve already seen, but we get a well-balanced, fine line of retreading old ground and giving us something new.
Dan Mora’s art does a wonderful job capturing the likeness of the actors without going to photorealistic that they end up coming off stiff and lifeless. It’s a common problem that many licensed comics can have and Mora proves it to be a wholly unnecessary one in just 32 pages.
Guaranteed to make old fans happy while also successfully grabbing new ones, “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” No. 1 shows why moving the property from Dark Horse to Boom! was a great opportunity to breathe new life into such a wonderful franchise. Issue No. 1 is on sale now with issue No.2 dropping at the end of February.
Original article at Leo Weekly