Comic Con 2016: Joss Whedon Would Direct a Black Widow Movie if Marvel Asked
Why the Avengers director would want to do a Scarlett Johansson-lead superhero thriller.
BY JOSHUA YEHL – During an interview with IGN, Joss Whedon said he would be down to direct a Black Widow solo film. He developed and fleshed out the character over the course of two Avengers movies, there’s been a huge surge of fans wanting to see her get a solo feature, and he recently said if he ever came back to Marvel that it would be do to something female-driven, so it seems an obvious fit.
“If someone pointed at me and said, ‘Do you want to do a Black Widow movie?’, the answer would be ‘Duh!'” Whedon said (starting at 7:20) below.
The grounded nature if the character (when compared to her superhero Avengers teammates) is what attracts Whedon to the idea.
“I think that character really is very interesting and very earthbound, so it’s the kind of action that I got to do less of with somebody Thor or The Vision,” Whedon said. “When you get into your ‘Superman’ territory its harder to maintain the gritty action that the Russo brothers do so brilliantly and she’s got that kind of thing and [you can] really do a spy thriller. Like really do a good, paranoid, ‘John Le Carre on crack’ sort of thing. That would be really fun.”
There’s also the matter of the woman who brings Black Widow to life on screen.
“Scarlett Johansson is just delightful. She works really hard but she just spends most of her time cracking me up, so it would be a fun shoot,” he said.
It also helps that Johansson is currently the highest-grossing actress of all time thanks to her films ranking in a combined 3.3 billionn dollars at the worldwide box office.
You can check out the full interview where Whedon talks about his newly announced Dark Horse Comics projects Buffy Season 11 and a Serenity follow-up, plus he gives an update in his new original comic called Twist.
Original article at IGN