Joss Whedon Explains Title of His HBO Series, The Nevers – Comic-Con 2018.
It’s not a superhero team name.
IGN talked to Joss Whedon at Comic-Con about his upcoming HBO Series, The Nevers. The show is set in the Victorian era and features a group of superpowered women. But what does the title mean? is it the name of a superhero group a la The Avengers? not exactly. Turns out it’s a reference to how these super-powered women are viewed by society.
“They, themselves are not called that in the show,” Whedon explained. “It’s a phrase that’s meant to evoke a sort of reaction to their odditym to what is considered unnatural. The idea that you should never be like this, you should never have existed. Something is not the way it should be, and you don’t have the right to have whatever weird power or ability that you have. And that idea, that some people are not of the natural order, is fascinating to me. I don’t agree with it. But to me, it’s one of those things where you take something negative, and you wear it as a badge of honor, basically. Certain things could never happen – they’re happening. And the people they’re happening to are taking their place in the world.”
Two years ago at Comic-Con 2015, Whedon announced he was doing a comic at Dark Horse Comics called Twist starring a Victorian era, female Batman-type character. The comic never materialized, but given how similar it sounded to The Nevers, we asked Whedon about if there was a connection and if the comic inspired the show.
“I’m honestly not sure what’s happening with the comic, because everything got very funky around that time. [Dark Horse] were always like, take your time, and then my time became insane. But what happened was, yeah, there were a lot of stories that I was dancing around, and enough of them were Victorian. I just love that era, I love that stuff, it’s fascinating to me. Particularly, the end of the century, when the world was just about to shift radically. Those are always fascinating things to me. And so I realized at some point that I didn’t wanna tell a story about a person, that I wanted to tell a story that was… this is gonna sound like I’m puffing me up, but Dickensian. That was like, where I can talk about society as a whole though a bunch of people’s interactions and through their adventures. And I just realized, oh God, I’m gonna do it again! It’s like, I’m doing another superhero team, it’s another goddam superhero team. There is something wrong with me, why do I do this to myself? These are really hard. But, yeah, that was an inspiration for me to go, all right, there’s something bigger here. So I don’t know what’ll happen with [the comic]. If they cancel each other out, I don’t know yet,” Whedon said.
We also talked to Whedon about his new Dr. Horrible comic and the end of Buffy Season 12.
Original article at IGN.
This article has been reproduced for archive purposes.