Amber Benson Gives Us The Lowdown on Her Upcoming Project The Nightmare Gallery
For the die-hard “Buffy” fans, you’ll more than likely remember her as Tara, but for the rest of you lunatics, she’s Amber Benson, and she was gracious enough to give us a few minutes of her time to discuss the latest film she’ll be starring in called The Nightmare Gallery – read on and enjoy.
DC: Can you give us a look at the film’s premise as well as a description of your character, Samantha?
AB: I was drawn to The Nightmare Gallery because it was a thoughtful psychological thriller about a woman’s journey into the darkness of her own soul. Though the main character Samantha (who I play and who is a total badass!) is on an actual physical journey – looking for an artifact connected to a mysterious disappearance – the film is so much more about the exploration of how guilt, power, sexuality, and magic can warp and transform the human psyche.
DC: What was it specifically about this role that appealed to you.
AB: I think what drew me to Samantha was how well-written she was… she was multi-layered and smart and she physically kicked ass. I also loved that she wasn’t a nice guy – that she didn’t care what other people thought about her and that she wasn’t perfect, made bad choices and even failed.
DC: There are fans who still mourn the loss of your character on Buffy – do you miss the role after all this time?
AB: I was so lucky to have played Tara for three seasons on Buffy – and, of course, I will always have a little hole in my heart where she is concerned. Getting to play her was one of the greatest things I’ve done in my career.
DC: Alongside your impressive acting credits, you’ve written produced and directed – any one of those you’d like to solely focus on in the future?
AB: I’m looking to run my own TV show – which is really just a way to do all the things I love at once.
DC: After The Nightmare Gallery has wrapped, what will be keeping you busy next?
AB: Lots of little secret projects that I’m not allowed to talk about right now.
Original article at Dread Central