Category: Interviews
My Take On TV: Alan Tudyk Previews the Return of Newsreaders
Alan Tudyk previews the return of NEWSREADERS NEWSREADERS returns to [adult swim] tonight with all new episodes, and I, for one couldn’t be more excited!…
Hollywood Reporter: Morena Baccarin on Joining ‘Gotham@
Morena Baccarin on Joining ‘Gotham’: It’s a “Different World” Actress tells THR that it’s been “a total blast” working on the DC Comics series Gothamites,…
Amber Benson’s AMA on Reddit
I am Amber Benson, actor/writer/goofball/Lesbian witch from BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER Let’s see… my name is Amber Benson, haha! And I am a maker of…
Hollywood Reporter: Tara Butters and Michele Fazekas Grilled by ‘Arrow’ Producer
‘Agent Carter’ Showrunners Grilled by ‘Arrow’ Producer in Honest, Wide-Ranging Interview Tara Butters and her ‘Agent Carter’ writing partner Michele Fazekas get the third degree…
MTV News: Why Marti Noxon’s ‘Sharp Objects. Will Be ‘True Detective’ For Women
Why ‘Gone Girl’ Creator’s ‘Sharp Objects’ Will Be ‘True Detective’ For Women. Showrunner Marti Noxon explains how the show cane about and how it’s inspired…
L. A. Times: Lee Daniels and Danny Strong unit to create ‘Empire’
Opposites Lee Daniels and Danny Strong unite to create ‘Empire’ At the sprawling downtown apartment of Lee Daniels a few days before Christmas, the director…
Hero Complex: Enver Gjokaj Talks About ‘Agent Carter’
‘Agent Carter’: Hayley Atwell reprises capable 1940s spy for Marvel TV show Gracefully poised on a grand staircase inside historic Greystone Mansion in Beverly Hills,…
MTV News: The Secret Origin of TV’s ‘Big Bad’
Discover The Secret Origin of TV’s ‘Big Bad’ “Girlfriends Guide To Divorce” creator Marti Noxon helps unravel the mystery of one of TV’s most used…
CBR: Fran Kranz Breaks Out of Genre For ‘Murder of a Cat’
Whedon Alum Fran Kranz Breaks Out of Genre For ‘Murder of a Cat’ You never know when geek-culture streams will cross. Just ask Fran Kranz….