Buffy Actresses Speak Out on Toxic Environment of Buffy/Angel Sets

As many of you will already have seen, yesterday Charisma Carpenter made a statement in support of Ray Fisher, accusing Joss Whedon of abusing his…

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Hollywood Insider Review: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Original TV Series)

It sometimes feels that there are too many reasons to count why the show means so much to me even though it’s so removed from my own coming of age. For those who watched ‘Buffy’ while it was airing in the late ’90s and early ’00s or came to it later but had lived though that time, there tends to be a great sense of nostalgia, especially for folks who were growing up alongside the characters. While I’m a generation removed from the original viewers of the show, it still resonates with me deeply (and with friends who I’ve converted into fans). It is my belief that you either love ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ or you haven’t watched it yet. For faithful fans and for the uninitiated, here are five reasons ‘Buffy’ still matters today and will for years to come.

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Heroic Hollywood Interview: Emma Caulfield on Going from Buffy to Marvel.

“Buffy was so long ago, I don’t know. That was a tiny, little show on a small network that ended up having this huge life. It started to build when it was on, but there was no huge support system or fanfare or built-in audience with it,” the actress told Heroic Hollywood. “So it’s not even in the same ballpark as entering in the Marvel Universe. It’s a whole other world.”

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ET Canada Interview: Gina Torres Talks 9-1-1: Lone Star and Firefly

“At this stage, as times have changed, as we are changing the landscape and experiencing people of colour in a wide variety of situations… and not just people of colour, but of LGBTQ ad women and all of that… now I get to be this beautifully, fully fleshed-out human being in this show,” she continues. “I do get to be a wife, I do get to be a mother and a bada** all at the same time.”

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Looper Interview: Emma Caulfield on WandaVision.

“She [said], ‘You’ve got this icy prettiness, and you’re really funny, and then if someone’s awful to you or awful to someone you love, you’re so mean […] just want that icy mean.’ I [said] ‘Thank you? Thank you, Jac,'” Caulfield recalls for Looper with a smile.

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Emma Caulfield Joins WandaVision

Emma Caulfield has confirmed via her Twitter that she is part of WandaVision which will premiere on Disney+ on Friday (15/01/2021). Nothing is yet known…

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Anthony Stewart Head Stars in Let The Wrong One In

Anthony Stewart Head has been cast in Let the Wrong One In, a co-production from Tailored Films and Workshed Films which recently completed filming in…

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Variety Interview: Leonard Roberts Speaks Out About His Treatment on ‘Heroes’

“Daddy, why are there wood boards over all the store windows?” my eight-year-old daughter Evan asked as our family walked our dog along Venice Boulevard. Two-and-a-half months into the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, the streets were quiet, as a curfew was in place. Stores all over Los Angeles were being boarded up after looting had followed a peaceful Black Lives Matter protest in nearby Santa Monica the day before.

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Nerdist Review: Normal Again

Back when I first started watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I could not resist the humor, drama, and the monsters. They so often dealt with universal issues with specificity. Now, stuck indoors in New York City as COVID-19 cases increase once again, there’s one particular episode that hits more deeply than in my original viewing. The sixth season episode “Normal Again” explores mental health amid our current isolation and disconnections.

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Showbiz Cheat Sheet Interview: Juliet Landau Talks Place Among the Dead

“I really decided to use the vampire genre for a number of reasons in this project,” Landau said. “First of all, to make an entertaining movie. Second of all, to lull the audience into a sense of safety to explore unsafe and radical ideas. Third of all, to bring in my history from Buffy and Angel and all the other actors’ histories such as Gary Oldman, Ron Perlman, Robert Patrick, Lance Henriksen, Joss Whedon and bestselling authors Charlaine Harris and Anne Rice both appearing for the first time ever in a scripted narrative film. So it was a way to bring all of their histories in.”

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