Buffy the Vampire Slayer – Season Eight – Issues 21 to 40 and One Shots
21. Harmonic Divergence | 22. Swell | 23. Predators and Prey | 24. Safe | 25. Living Doll | 26. Retreat #1 | 27. Retreat #2 |28. Retreat #3 | 29. Retreat #4 | 30. Retreat #5 | Willow One Shot | 31. Turbulence | 32. Twilight #1 | 33. Twilight #2 |34. Twilight #3 | 35. Twilight #4 | Riley One Shot | 36. Last Gleaming #1 | 37. Last Gleaming #2 | 38. Last Gleaming #3 | 39. Last Gleaming #4 |40. Last Gleaming #5 | PREVIOUS 20 ISSUES
21 Harmonic Divergence
Written By: |Jane Espenson
Art By: Georges Jeanty
Inks by: Andy Owens
Colours By: Dave Stewart
Covers By: Jo Chen | Georges Jeanty
Release date: 7 January 2009
Big Bad:
Summary: Television writer Jane Espenson returns to Buffy the Vampire Slayer in Season Eight. Espenson is the first of the acclaimed writers that tackle this groundbreaking story arc – where Buffy fans are introduced to a new world where vampires are in and Slayers are out. Cue Harmony, the bubblegum cheerleader from Sunnydale High whose ambitions include blood sucking and stardom.
22 Swell
Written By: |Steven S. DeKnight
Art By: Georges Jeanty
Inks by: Andy Owens
Colours By: Dave Stewart
Covers By: Jo Chen | Georges Jeanty
Release date: 4 February 2009
Big Bad:
Summary: Vampires are the hottest thing around – forget hipsters; being a bloodsucking fiend is where it’s at! Slayers must take the good fight underground if they’re to avoid any bad press from the general public.
When Kennedy is sent to Japan to evaluate Satsu’s efforts as team leader, they are taken by surprise by some fierce furry creatures who want to do nothing more than destroy Buffy (surprise!), while Twilight remains the captain of the anti-Slayer ship.
23 Predators and Prey
Written By: |Drew Z Greenberg
Art By: Georges Jeanty
Inks by: Andy Owens
Covers By: Jo Chen | Georges Jeanty
Release date: 4 March 2009
Big Bad:
Summary: It’s Buffy – and Andrew – on a mission in Italy … together. Awkward? Yes
24 Safe
Written By: | Jim Krueger
Art By: Georges Jeanty
Inks by: Andy Owens
Colours By: Dave Stewart
Covers By: Jo Chen | Georges Jeanty
Release date: 1 April 2009
Big Bad:
Summary: Faith. Giles. Let’s catch up!
In an amazing one-shot issue, the esteemed Jim Krueger fleshes out the go-to-girl for dirty deeds, Faith, and her new partner, Giles. After her last thankless escapade, where she put a stop to Buffy-hunting Slayer and kindred spirit Lady Gigi, Faith decided that though she’s determined to be finished with bloodshed, she’s not read to leave misguided Slayers (like Gigi) with nowhere to turn. Fast-forward to present… bloodshed still abounds, and the Faith-and-Giles team is still finding out what it really means to help those chosen to slay…
25 Living Doll
Written By: | Doug Petrie
Art By: Georges Jeanty
Inks by: Andy Owens
Colours By: Dave Stewart
Covers By: Jo Chen | Georges Jeanty
Release date: 6 May 2009
Big Bad:
Summary: Doug Petrie, formerly a writer and director on the Buffy the Vampire Slayer television series, joins Buffy Season Eight with “Living Doll”. The spell little Dawnie got whacked with by the Thricewise demon she angered just keeps… evolving. First, she’s a giant; then she’s a centaur; now, she’s a… what?! Buffy, ever busy saving the world, will finally have to take action regarding her little sis when Dawn’s mysterious disappearance makes it a priority. At least, she better be in some sort of danger, or Buffy’s going to kick her butt for wasting precious time acting like an attention-seeking teen – which is what Dawn is, after all.
26 Retreat #1
Written By: | Jane Espenson
Art By: Georges Jeanty
Inks by: Andy Owens
Colours By: Dave Stewart
Covers By: Jo Chen | Georges Jeanty
Release date: 1 July 2009
Big Bad:
Summary: Team Buffy has become all about sneaky in a world where Slayers are now feared and hated, and vampires would rank at the top of a popularity poll. All hands are on deck as Scotland’s brand-newest Slayer headquarters comes under attack; but when things get more than a little fried, Buffy has to punt. There are yaks.
27 Retreat #2
Written By: | Jane Espenson
Art By: Georges Jeanty
Inks by: Andy Owens
Colours By: Dave Stewart
Covers By: Jo Chen | Georges Jeanty
Release date: 5 August 2009
Big Bad:
Summary: Slayers are out. Vampires are in. Mysterious big bad Twilight has just become a bigger bad – he can zero in on Team Buffy and her army of Slayers by tracking their use of magic. But Buffy and her allies have taken their submarine – yes, Buffy picked up one of those… they’re a necessary piece of equip – straight to the only person she knows with an inside track on suppressing magic: the werewolf Oz.
In the yak-filled mountains of Tibet, Oz has found his peace and formed a new life. The butter tea flows freely at the reunion, where – among other reunion-y things – Buffy learns that suppressing her demon side could be the biggest risk of all…
28 Retreat #3
Written By: | Jane Espenson
Art By: Georges Jeanty
Inks by: Andy Owens
Colours By: Dave Stewart
Covers By: Jo Chen | Georges Jeanty
Release date: 2 September 2009
Big Bad:
Summary:Oh, hello there gentle viewers… This month we revisit Team Buffy and her army of Slayers at Oz’s temple in the mountains of Tibet. Among the yaks, the Slayers and Wiccan troops attempt to suppress dangerous Magicks through meditation and hard labour. Buffy embraces this new lifestyle, but not everyone is convinced that leaving Magicks behind will solve any problems: among them, a resistant Willow, a doubtful Andrew, and a concerned Giles.
For Buffy, the world has not been so peaceful… so honest… so full of feeling…. in a long time – too bad it’s not going to stay that way!
29 Retreat #4
Written By: | Jane Espenson
Art By: Georges Jeanty
Inks by: Andy Owens
Covers By: Massimo Carnevale | Georges Jeanty
Release date: 7 October 2009
Big Bad:
Summary: Oz’s temple in the Tibetan mountains is no longer a safe retreat for Buffy and her troops. Discovered by Twilight’s magical agent, Amy, and bereft of their own magic, the army is preparing for a human war with guns, grenades, missiles.. and MANPADS – it’s not a laughing matter. People are about to die.
But even without her own magic, Buffy is still all Slayer – the Slayer – and she has to lead the way to victory. Or at least… live to fight another day.
30 Retreat #5
Written By: | Jane Espenson
Art By: Georges Jeanty
Inks by: Andy Owens
Colours By: Dave Stewart
Covers By: Adam |Hughes | Georges Jeanty
Release date: 4 November 2009
Big Bad:
Summary:The war between Twilight’s minions and Buffy’s army rages in the Tibetan mountains. Bereft of their magic, the girls – Wiccans and Slayers – face an epic battle in which they have no hope of victory. Buffy has already done the retreat thing once, plus also put herself and her army into hiding… What can she do now that there is no magic to help them escape from another losing battle?
Willow One Shot
Written By: | Joss Whedon
Art By: Karl Molene
Inks by: Andy Owens
Colours By: Dave Stewart
Covers By: Karl Molene | Jo Chen
Release date: 23 December 2009
Big Bad:
Summary: Willow Rosenberg has worn many faces – a shy computer geek, a loyal friend, a passionate lover, a fierce Wiccan, and a dark Willow.
Now in Season Eight of the critically acclaimed, award-winning Buffy comics series, Willow’s powers have grown exponentially. She can fly. Teleport. And may or may not be immortal.
All we know is that Willow went on a walkabout following the demise of Sunnydale, and she met a very sultry, extremely powerful serpent lady who seems to be the key to unraveling the mysteries of what Willow is, and will become.
31. Turbulence
Written By: | Joss Whedon
Art By: Georges Jeanty
Inks by: Andy Owens
Colours By: Dave Stewart
Covers By: Jo Chen | Georges Jeanty
Release date: 13 January 2010
Big Bad:
Summary: After Willow unearths giant Tibetan goddesses to help in the fight against Twilight and his disposable soldiers, the Slayers are forced to retreat when the goddesses go AWOL and attack indiscriminately. Without powers the Slayers are unable to keep up the fight against missile fire, grenade launchers, and tanks. It would seem that all is lost, and Buffy – all alone – must make her last stand on a battlefield covered in the bodies of friends and foes.
32. Twilight #1
Written By: | Brad Meltzer
Art By: Georges Jeanty
Inks by: Andy Owens
Covers By: Jo Chen | Georges Jeanty
Release date: 3 February 2010
Big Bad:
Summary: Faster than a speeding — you know. More powerful than a — one of those. Able to leap tall… castles in a single bound. Still working on that x-ray vision thing. In the aftermath of
33. Twilight #2
Written By: | Brad Meltzer
Art By: Georges Jeanty
Inks by: Andy Owens
Covers By: Jo Chen | Georges Jeanty
Release date: 3 March 2010
Big Bad:
Summary: Acclaimed novelist and comics writer Brad Meltzer continues his pivotal story arc! The Slayer army has suffered heavy losses throughout Season Eight and faced all kinds of threats new and old, but the one mystery connecting it all has been the identity of the Big Bad: Twilight. In this issue, Buffy finally confronts Twilight one on one, setting the stage for Twilight’s unmasking in Buffy #34!
34. Twilight #3
Written By: | Brad Meltzer
Art By: Georges Jeanty
Inks by: Andy Owens
Colours By: Michelle Madson
Covers By: Jo Chen | Georges Jeanty
Release date: 7 April 2010
Big Bad:
Summary: Twilight has been unmasked. Buildings fall, oceans churn, and the earth moves as titans come together in a bizarre twist!
35. Twilight #4
Written By: | Brad Meltzer
Art By: Georges Jeanty
Inks by: Andy Owens
Colours By: Michelle Madson
Covers By: Jo Chen | Georges Jeanty
Release date: 5 May 2010
Big Bad:
Summary: Brad Meltzer concludes his blockbuster run on Buffy Season Eight! After the last issue’s climactic encounter between Buffy and the unmasked Twilight, the Slayer army’s entire mission has been altered and the true nature of the threat they face has been revealed.
Everyone is in place to confront the Big Bad once and for all as Buffy’s most epic season races toward the final arc.
Riley One Shot
Written By: | Jane Espenson
Art By: Karl
Inks by: Andy Owens
Covers By: Jo Chen | Karl
Release date: 18 August 2010
Big Bad:
Summary: Acclaimed Buffy television writer Jane Espenson is back with answers to one of the surprising twists she and executive producer Joss Whedon introduced in the hit story arc “Retreat”!
In the midst of battle, Buffy’s former flame, the demon fighting soldier Riley Finn, seemingly in league with Twilight, was revealed as a double agent working for the Slayer army. Now Espenson uncovers the secrets of Riley’s recruitment by Buffy, his infiltration of Twilight’s inner circle, and what’s become of him and his superspy wife, Sam.
This essential one shot delivers thrilling spy adventure and is filled with major revelations for the story of Buffy Season Eight.
36. Last Gleaming #1

Written By: | Joss Whedon
Art By: Georges Jeanty
Inks By: Andy Owens
Covers By: Georges Jeanty | Jo Chen
Release date: 1 September 2010
Big Bad:
Summary: The Big Bad-Twilight finally stands revealed, and it’s tearing the Scoobies apart, testing the limits of their friendship.
Seems like a perfect time for Spike to come back.
Joss Whedon writes the final five issues of Buffy Season 8, taking his greatest characters to places only he can take them! Teamed up with series artist Georges Jeanty, Joss counts down to the biggest Buffy final ever.
37. Last Gleaming #2
Written By: | Joss Whedon
Art By: Georges Jeanty
Inks By: Andy Owens
Covers By: Georges Jeanty | Jo Chen
Release Date: 6 October 2010
Big Bad:
Summary: Spike and Buffy are finally reunited (*sigh*) and lucky him-he’s discovered the source of all her problems, and it’s not Angel. Now Buffy must revisit the place where love was indiscriminate, the Scoobies were formed, and Hell’s mouth was closed for good.
Joss Whedon and Georges Jeanty launch readers into the finale of Buffy Season Eight, promising more adventure, twists, and turns. Bonds are tested, lives altered, and
38. Last Gleaming #3
Written By: | Joss Whedon
Art By: Georges Jeanty
Inks By: Andy Owens
Covers By: Georges Jeanty | Jo Chen
Release date: 3 November 2010
Big Bad:
Summary: While Super Buffy is fighting side by side with Spike in Sunnydale, Angel is on the other side of the world fighting demons of his own. As Twilight he was given a clear mission in regard to Buffy – help her reach the next plane, together create a new world, and end all suffering. But Buffy doesn’t play by the rules, and this “higher plane” and a lifetime of happiness with Angel wasn’t gonna cut it – not if she had to sacrifice her family to keep it. And now Angel has to answer for his
Back in Sunnydale everyone is fighting for their lives against a horde of demons, and someone close to Buffy joins forces with a villain from the past to strive for a common goal – protect the seed.
39. Last Gleaning #4

Written By: | Joss Whedon
Art By: Georges Jeanty
Inks by: Andy Owens
Covers By: Georges Jeanty | Jo Chen
Release date: 1 December 2010
Big Bad:
Summary: It’s war, and there will be casualties not soon forgotten as Buffy faces her most fearsome enemy.
Buffy creator Joss Whedon and series artist Georges Jeanty join forces for the most emotional issue to date as they approach the finale of Season Eight.
40. Last Gleaming #5
Written By: | Joss Whedon
Art By: Georges Jeanty
Inks By: Andy Owens
Covers By: Georges Jeanty | Jo Chen
Release Date: 19 January 2011
Big Bad:
Summary: Season Eight has at last brought Buffy the long way home, and betrayal comes in the shape of the closest, most unexpected individual of them all. Reeling from their loses, the Scoobies will never be the same again.
Series creator Joss Whedon and series artist Georges Jeanty bring you the biggest Buffy finale ever!