00. Prologue | 01. Being Human #1 |02. Being Human #2 |03. Being Human #3 |04. Being Human #4 |05. Hellmouth #1 |06. Hellmouth #2 | 07. Hellmouth #3 |08. Hellmouth #4
00. Prologue

Written by: Bryan Edward Hill
Art: Gleb Melinikov
Colours: Gabriel Cassata
Letters: Ed Dukeshire
Covers: Boris Pelcer | Dan Panosian | Scott Buoncristiano | Kaiti Infante | Jonahan Case | Will Slimey
Release Date: 17 April 2019
Summary: BOOM! Studios, along with visionary writer and director Joss Whedon presents the shocking reimagining of the pop culture phenomenon ANGEL!
Angel walks the line between to worlds; a vampire cursed with a soul, he’s spent centuries battling back the forces that would destroy humanity, in an attempt to redeem himself for the crimes committed by the monster he was when he was first turned.
01. Being Human #1

Written by: Bryan Edward Hill
Art: Gleb Melinikov
Colours: Gabriel Cassata
Letters: Ed Dukeshire
Covers: Boris Pelcer |
Release Date: 29 May 2019
Summary: BOOM! Studios, along with visionary writer and director Joss Whedon presents the shocking reimagining of the pop culture phenomenon ANGEL!
Angel walks the line between to worlds; a vampire cursed with a soul, he’s spent centuries battling back the forces that would destroy humanity, in an attempt to redeem himself for the crimes committed by the monster he was when he was first turned. But now, when the trail of the most recent demonic uprising takes him to Sunnydale, he realizes that the redemption he seeks can only come at a startling price. As Angel gets closer to redemption, the full truth of his horrific past as Angelus will be revealed- and there may be no way to escape his darkest secret of all.
02. Being Human #2

Written by: Bryan Edward Hill
Art: Gleb Melinikov
Colours: Gabriel Cassata |Gleb Melinikov
Letters: Ed Dukeshire
Covers: Dan Panosian | Scott Buoncristiano | Will Silney | Adam Gorham | Gabriel Cassata
Release Date: 26 June 2019
Summary: As Angel recovers from a devastating loss in Sunnydale, he must unravel the mysteries surrounding this new kind of monster. How can Angel fight something he can’t see. When and who will it strike next? And who is the mysterious new woman and what do they have to do with Angel’s future? Features the first appearance of fan favourite character Fred Burkle!
03. Being Human #3
Written by: Bryan Edward Hill
Art: Gleb Melinikov
Colours: Roman Titov
Letters: Ed Dukeshire
Covers: Dan Panosian | Scott Buoncristiano | Will Silney | Ignacio Valicenti
Release Date: 31 July 2019
Summary: Los Angeles is becoming infested with more supernatural threats than ever before and Angel needs to know why before he can complete the rituals to become human once again. But the vampire-with-a-soul’s quest for redemption won’t be as simple as he hoped (I mean, it’s already super complicated because he was, well, the mass murdered Angelus) when a new threat arrives on the scene and forces Angel to truly examine his past.
04. Being Human #4
Written by: Bryan Edward Hill
Art: Gleb Melinikov
Colours: Gabriel Cassata
Letters: Ed Dukeshire
Covers: Dan Panosian | Scott Buoncristiano | Gabriel Hernandez Walta | Gleb Melinikov
Release Date: 28 August 2019
Summary: This is it, the stunning conclusion to the first story arc reimagining the iconic vampire-with-a-soul. Angel must decide which path to follow on his quest to earn redemption and to free himself from this vampire curse-and all roads lead to Sunnydale,
05. The Road to Hellmouth
Written by: Bryan Edward Hill
Art: Gleb Melinikov
Colours: Gabriel Cassata
Letters: Ed Dukeshire
Covers: Dan Panosian | Scott Buoncristiano | Kelly & Nichole Matthews | Jae Lee
Release Date: 25 September 2019
Summary: After teetering between Sunnydale and Los Angeles, Angel no knows exactly what his mission is – to make sure the Hellmouth stays sealed! He’ll stop anyone who gets in his way, be it friend or foe, vampire… or Slayer.
This issue continues the Hellmouth event spanning three books.
<–Buffy Issue 8 | Hellmouth Issue 1–>
06. Hellmouth #2
Written by: Bryan Edward Hill
Art: Gleb Melinikov
Colours: Roman Titov
Letters: Ed Dukeshire
Covers: Dan Panosian | Scott Buoncristiano | Goñi Montes | Morgan Beem
Release Date: 23 October 2019
Summary: With Angel trapped in Sunnydale, the rest of the newly formed Angel Investigations is left to deal with the Hellmouth’s fallout in Los Angeles. Will his team of supernatural crime-solvers be able to protect Los Angeles from the shock waves of the Hellmouth’s opening… and from newly arrived vampire Spike?
This issue continues the Hellmouth event spanning three books.
07. Hellmouth #3

Written by: Bryan Edward Hill
Art: Gleb Melinikov
Colours: Roman Titov
Letters: Ed Dukeshire
Covers: Dan Panosian | Scott Buoncristiano | Jakub Rebelka | Jack T. Cole
Release Date: 27 November 2019
Summary: Lilah Morgan makes her first appearance as she kidnaps Fred for a heart-to-heart. Meanwhile, with Angel stuck in the Hellmouth, Gunn, Spike and Lilah are trying to save Los Angeles from the effects of the Hellmouth but they’re going to need a bit of expert help from a particular karaoke-loving demon who runs a special club downtown – Lorne makes his first appearance in Angel #7 as everything goes to hell for Team Spike.
This issue continues the Hellmouth event spanning three books.
08. Hellmouth #4

Written by: Bryan Edward Hill
Art: Gleb Melinikov
Colours: Roman Titov
Letters: Ed Dukeshire
Covers: Dan Panosian | Scott Buoncristiano | Steve Morris | Bengal
Release Date: 18 December 2019
Summary: Back in Los Angeles, Team Spike – Spike, Fred and Gunn – are doing their best to stem the tide of evil that Hellmouth has unleshed, but the city is being overwhelmed. In order to save their city, Fred must decide whether to fight off the darkness inside her… or embrace it.
This issue continues the Hellmouth event spanning three books.