Dark Horse have announced a that Buffy will return for “Season 12” comic book run once again overseen by Joss Whedon and drawn by Georges Jeanty.
The run will be called “The Reckoning” and will see the return of not only Buffy but Angel, Faith, Illyria and Fray. Synopsis is below:
Following the world-altering finale of Season 11, Buffy and the Scoobies have had a laid-back year in the saving-the-world department. But as they’ve learned over their years of fighting the forces of darkness and thwarting many an apocalypse, nothing stays quiet for long. When Dawn and Xander’s housewarming party is crashed by some familiar faces with news of an amassing force that must be reckoned with – Wolfram & Hart, a legion of demons, and Harth, a vampire from the future – Buffy finds herself in a time warp that could alter the fate of the world and could spell the end for Buffy, her friends, and the Slayers, forever.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 12: The Reckoning premieres June 20, illustrated by Georges Jeanty.
Source: Nerdvana