David Nicholls adapts his bestselling novel for BBC One
Interview with Iain De Caestecker
Ian De Caestecker plays young Douglas in Us.
Tell us about your role in the story?
I play Douglas in his younger yeas. Whereas Douglas and Connie in present day are struggling with the idea of the end of their marriage, the flashbacks into the younger Douglas and Connie show how they first met and the origins and context of their relationship. And, ultimately, how they got to the place where they are when they find them at the start of the story in the present day.
One of the interesting things about young Douglas is that on the surface, and perhaps unlike Connie, he hasn’t changed so much from then until now. But, the more we learn, we see that Douglas has actually changed more than he realises.
Had you read the novel of Us before you were offered the part?
Funnily enough my mum and I sometimes share books that we’ve enjoyed and she had given me Us. I was maybe two or three chapters in when I got an email from my agent with the scripts.
Were there any adjustments that had to be made in terms of your appearance in order to look like your counterpart, Tom Hollander?
Our great make-up artists Lucy Cain suggested a prosthetic nose. It was quite an understated prosthetic which covered only the tip of my nose but cleverly bridged the gap between us in a subtle way. We also experimented with wigs briefly but I ultimately had time to grow my hair out a little longer.
Did you get to meet Tom [Hollander] prior to filming?
Yes, we met a few times before we started shooting. Partly to work out make-up and costume decisions but also to discuss the character too. Tom was incredibly kind with his advice and sharing his thoughts for the character, which were invaluable, and that continued throughout filming as well. I even remember one day we were filming our wedding scenes and both Gina and I were feeling nervous. Tom had finished filming for the day but he went home, picked up a bottle of champagne for us and gave us a little glass to calm our nerves. Then he stuck around while we filmed the scene and gave us some really helpful notes and ideas.
Why should audiences tune in to watch Us?
I think firstly for David Nicholls’ writing. He has an amazing quality at making his characters relatable and their emotions universal. I would also watch it because Tom Hollander is in it and he’s always brilliant. I think this story will make you reflective and along the way it will make you laugh and then cry. (Sorry!)
Original article at BBC