The final season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is fast approaching and will see Coulson LMD and the team in New York City in 1931 where they will run into Agent Carter‘s Daniel Sousa, played by Dollhouse’s Enver Gjokaj.
Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, showrunner Jed Whedon said, “One of the things we think is so fun – especially with Coulson, who’s just a fanbouy for S.H.I.E.L.D. history – is them just getting to walk right into [that history].”
Enver went on to say, “It wasn’t anywhere near my brain, I woud’ve been thrilled at any moment for it to come back, but I think as an actor you don’t have time. You just have to move on to the next project.
“What’s unexpectedly, for me, really dun is that we realized once we got Coulson and [Sousa} in the same scene that they’re very similar.”
Co-showrunner Jeff Bell added, “We get to see him in a different light. [Sousa] had a particular role on [Agent Carter], and so we were able to show another color of him that you hadn’t necessarily seen on the show.”
Maurissa Tancheroen adds, “Since Jed and I worked with him on Dollhouse, we’re very aware of what Enver is capable of. So we were just feeling like we could dive a little deeper with Sousa.”
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. will return on 27 May 2020 at 10pm ET/PT on ABC.
Source: Entertainment Weekly.